Queensland: Griffith Interfaith Centre plays key role in G20 Interfaith Forum

Griffith University’s Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue was among the key collaborators at the 2018 G20 Interfaith Forum, which closed in Buenos Aires on Friday (Sept 28). Centre Director Dr Brian Adams (pictured) was in the Argentinean capital for the fifth annual staging of the forum. “It is an honour to have spoken for the Forum organisers,” Dr Adams said.

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Australia: The Man Box

An Australian first study by Jesuit Social Services’ The Men’s Project involving 1,000 men aged 18 to 30 has shown that young men who comply with society’s pressures to be a ‘real man’ report poorer mental health, are twice as likely to consider suicide, more likely to commit acts of sexual harassment and experience and perform acts of violence and bullying.

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Muslim Women: Please do not tell us to ‘pray away’ our mental health issues

“You don’t need to see a psychologist. Just pray.” A well meaning and otherwise caring individual said these words to me. At a time when I was very clearly struggling with my mental health, this was a painful reminder of how so many people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and faith communities are widely misguided and uninformed when it comes to mental health and well being. This deep lack of awareness severely hinders treatment and early diagnosis, which results in victims suffering in silence.

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Durga Puja celebrated in Darwin

DurgaOn October 13, 2018, another cultural and religious initiative by the Indian community at Darwin. The occasion was the Durga Puja, first time celebrated at this magnanimous scale. The Puja & Durga society of Northern Territory was the organising body but a beautiful amalgam of all cultures and regions was witnessed at this beautifully managed event.

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Victoria: Healing Pilgrimage For the Innocents

For the Innocents invites you to come on pilgrimage to espouse the National apology – to all those who experienced Sexual Abuse as children in an Institution – by the Prime Minister. Our pilgrimage will gather at 11.30 at the Healing Remembrance Garden of St Patrick’s College, 1431 Sturt St Ballarat on Saturday, 20 October, 2018.

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Victoria: Climate Change and Sustainability Forum

Geelong Inter-Church Social Justice Network in partnership with local sustainability groups is providing this opportunity for people to get clarity on Climate Change and why sustainability is a key issue in the Geelong West Town Hall, Thursday evening, 11 October 2018.

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Tasmania: October 2018

Tasmania LogoReligions for Peace and Australian Religious Response to Climate Change are joining in a partnership to launch the international multifaith sustainability project Living the Change in Australia. In Tasmania, the launch will be held at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave., Sandy Bay on Sunday 14 October 2018 from 3.00-5.30pm

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Western Australia: Living the Change in Perth

Join us to celebrate LIVING THE CHANGE in Western Australia where Anglican EcoCare Commission invites you to join their Picnic at Gathering at Russell Square, Northbridge on the afternoon of Saturday, 13 October. Living the Change is brought to you by Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, Religions for Peace Australia and United Religions Initiative.

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