The World Council of Churches releases a collection of curated resources to support churches, church-run schools, Sunday schools and summer camps in their ongoing efforts to promote care for children and youth through intergenerational climate- and environmental justice. The toolkit supports the Churches’ Commitments to Children, in which climate initiatives for and with children is an important pillar.
Laudato Si
Bishop Stålsett briefs Pope Francis, Religious Leaders and Development Experts on Interfaith Rainforest Initiative
(8 March 2019 | Vatican City) Bishop Gunnar J. Stålsett [Honorary President of Religions for Peace] addressed religious leaders and international development experts at the recent convening called by H.H. Pope Francis, “Religions and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Listening to the cry of the earth and the poor.”
Victoria: Climate Change and Sustainability Forum
Geelong Inter-Church Social Justice Network in partnership with local sustainability groups is providing this opportunity for people to get clarity on Climate Change and why sustainability is a key issue in the Geelong West Town Hall, Thursday evening, 11 October 2018.
Vatican to Host Workshop on Health of People and Planet
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) will host a workshop November 2-4, 2017 to discuss the relationship between climate change, pollution and people. The event will take place at The Academy’s headquarters are in the Casina Pio IV, in Vatican City.
Pope Supports International Climate Change Campaign
Following the 2nd Anniversary of his historic environmental encyclical, Pope Francis endorsed the Laudato Si’ Pledge campaign, which was also supported by many other Church leaders. Through the Pledge, the Global Catholic Climate Movement aims to mobilize at least 1 million Catholics to become directly engaged in turning Laudato Si into action to care for the planet.
Growing Concern Over Climate Change Is Creating Interfaith Dialogue
Two years after Pope Francis launched Laudato Si, the Vatican’s plea to save the Earth, Trump rejected its tenets and the Paris Agreement. But people of all faiths are unified globally to beat climate change.
Laudato Si’ first anniversary: interfaith impact
(Vatican Radio) June 18th marks the first anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical Laudato Si’, focused on the care of our common home.
Mini-course explaining the Pope's Encyclical "Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home"
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network on-line education program (SDSNEDU) has produced a self-paced mini-course explaining Pope Francis’s Encyclical “Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home“. It’s free and open to everyone.
There is no conflict between our faiths and the science of climate change
> Three International Vice Presidents of Religions for Peace, Rabbi David Rosen, Cardinal John Onaiyekan and Professor Dr. Din Syamsuddin have given an opinion editorial on the Pope’s Letter (Encyclical) to the World on Climate Change. This work emphsises the common grounds for faiths to work together on Climate Change.