NSW: Australian Association for the Study of Religion Annual Conference 2019

The 2019 Australian Association for the Study of Religion conference will be held from December 5-6 at the city campus of the University of Newcastle, co-hosted by the Australian Association for the Study of Religion and the University of Newcastle’s Centre for the Study of Violence and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. A full day workshop for postgraduates and early career researchers will be organised on 4 December. The Conference theme is Religion and Violence.

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Bendigo mosque construction begins

Bendigo Mosque - turning the sodAfter six years of controversy that saw protests in the streets and a mock beheading, a mosque is finally being built in the central Victorian city of Bendigo. Accompanied by police, Premier Daniel Andrews took part in a sod-turning ceremony at the site of the future Bendigo Islamic Community Centre in East Bendigo this morning.

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Building Earth Ethics in Australia: Pathways and Challenges

AELA logo

The Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue is proudly co-sponsoring the Building Earth Ethics in Australia: Pathways and Challenges conference. This thought-provoking two-day conference will focus on how Earth-centered ethics can be nurtured and built in a time of global ecological crisis. 

This conference will take place at Australia Catholic University, 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065 on the Thursday 28th and Friday 29th November 2019. 

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Bendigo Mosque: Far-right extremist and convicted racist Blair Cottrell fails in Supreme Court appeal bid

Blair CottrellFar-right extremist Blair Cottrell has been knocked back in his bid to contest his racial vilification conviction in Victoria’s supreme court. The United Patriots Front leader, along with two of his supporters, were convicted of inciting hatred, contempt and ridicule of Muslims after making a video beheading a dummy in protest of a Bendigo mosque.

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Tasmania July 2019

Tasmania LogoGreetings of peace! Religions for Peace Tasmania will have the fortune of holding our July meeting in the company of Lady Borton, a Quaker who has spent many years working in Viet Nam, and who will be visiting Hobart as a guest of the Quakers Annual Yearly Meeting this coming week at the Farrall Centre, North Hobart on Wednesday, 10 July at 1 PM.

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NSW: Buddhist – Christian Dialogue

Power of the Here and NowPower of the Here and Now: ‘An interdisciplinary dialogue on walking the talk’ Emeritus Professor Lewis Lancaster joins Reverend Bill Crews AM at the University of Sydney for an evening of insights and storytelling, as they share how their experiences and work have led to their own personal transformations.

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