Greetings of peace! Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch will be participating in the Tamar Peace Festival and the extraordinary vigil for peace on Hiroshima day.
Tasmania, June 2017
Greetings of peace! This weekend the Annual General Meeting for Religions for Peace Australia is being held in Canberra and we send thoughts of blessing and empowerment to those involved and for their dialogue and deliberations. In June, Religions for Peace Tas will not so much have an event as an activity. On Monday 5 June, today, UN World Environment Day is celebrated and on Thursday 8 June, UN World Oceans Day is the celebration.
Tasmania, May 2017
Greetings of peace! Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch are collaborating with three interfaith organisations during May: the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, the Symphony of Peace Prayers and Recognise. Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch together with Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre in Hobart are hosting the ARRCC AGM as the Tasmanian hub of the national meeting. The gathering will be held on Thursday 11 May.
Tasmania: March/April 2017
Greetings of peace! In April, the Religions for Peace gathering will be a Silence meditation to honour Earth Day Saturday 22 April 2017 3.00-4.00pm at Kris’ property 94 Morphetts Rd, Neika. Come and join us and people from the other 192 countries around the world in sending vibrations of peace and healing to the Earth and all living creatures.
Tasmania: December 2016
Greetings of peace for this final month of 2016! We will not be holding any events during December or January, but we would like to support Mannalargenna Day, a special time this weekend celebrating the great Aboriginal leader, Mannalargenna and commemorating a very special event …
Tasmania: October 2016
TThe Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch gathering for October will be held on Sunday 9 October 2016 from 3.00-4.30pm at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay. It is entitled ‘Promoting Equality and Respect: an interfaith collaboration on preventing family violence‘. An introductory presentation to the project will be given by Jill Shanti, who was a member of the Interfaith Working Group of the resource produced by the Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network.
Tasmania, August 2016
The gathering for Religions for Peace for this month will be held on Wednesday evening 10 August from 6.00-7.00pm at the Brahma Kumaris Centre, 51 Risdon Rd., New Town. We’ll share a skype call with Thea Ormerod, the Chair of Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, who is hoping to discuss her proposed visit to Hobart on Saturday 19 November to conduct a workshop for interested participants. This will be an opportunity not only to discuss Thea’s proposed visit but the content of her workshop as well.
Tasmania, July 2016
The Religions for Peace gathering for this month will be held on Sunday 31 July 2016 from 3.00pm-4.00pm at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay. Our guest will be Mr Usman Rana from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. His topic will be An Introduction to Islam and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
Tasmania, June 2016
In June we will be sharing in Multifaith events of two organisations. The first, Tierra Segrada or Sacred Earth, is a world-wide Multifaith day of prayer and action for the planet and a call to world leaders to commit to a 1.5 degree C limit on global temperature rise. This will be co-ordinated in Hobart by Marilyn Goninon at Scots Memorial Uniting Church, Bathurst St Hobart from 3.00-4.00pm on Sunday 12 June.
Secondly, we will share Tasmanians for Recognition’s Journey for Recognition to be held in Hobart from 12 noon to 2.00pm on 25 June on Parliament House lawns. There will be wet weather backup. There are a number of venues round Tasmania where people are welcome to join the Journey.
Tasmania, April 2016
Tasmania, March 2016
The sacred festival days continue into April. While the eight day festival of Pesach or Passover is often close in time to ‘Western’ Easter, this year, Pesach does not begin till 23 April and the Eastern Rite, or Orthodox, Easter Sunday is 1 May 2016.
The Religions for Peace event for April will be held close to many holy days. Cheryl Maddock, the Founder/Facilitator of the Australian Shamanic Centre, will conduct a Soul Retrieval session for the souls of the earth.