An Ecumenical Forum
The Victorian Council of Churches’ Social Question Commission is proud to host this important discussion on treaty, sovereignty and constitutional recognition.
The Victorian Council of Churches’ Social Question Commission is proud to host this important discussion on treaty, sovereignty and constitutional recognition.
In June we will be sharing in Multifaith events of two organisations. The first, Tierra Segrada or Sacred Earth, is a world-wide Multifaith day of prayer and action for the planet and a call to world leaders to commit to a 1.5 degree C limit on global temperature rise. This will be co-ordinated in Hobart by Marilyn Goninon at Scots Memorial Uniting Church, Bathurst St Hobart from 3.00-4.00pm on Sunday 12 June.
Secondly, we will share Tasmanians for Recognition’s Journey for Recognition to be held in Hobart from 12 noon to 2.00pm on 25 June on Parliament House lawns. There will be wet weather backup. There are a number of venues round Tasmania where people are welcome to join the Journey.
The sacred festival days continue as we move from April to May. While the eight day festival of Pesach or Passover is often close in time to ‘Western’ Easter, this year, Pesach does not begin till 23 April and ends on 30 April. The Eastern Rite, or Orthodox, Easter Sunday is 1 May 2016.
The Religions for Peace events for May will include participating in the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change and we will be hosting a gathering for Tasmanians for Reconciliation towards the end of May.