Tasmania, April 2016

Tasmania, March 2016
Tasmania Logo

The sacred festival days continue into April. While the eight day festival of Pesach or Passover is often close in time to ‘Western’ Easter, this year, Pesach does not begin till 23 April and the Eastern Rite, or Orthodox, Easter Sunday is 1 May 2016.

The Religions for Peace event for April will be held close to many holy days. Cheryl Maddock, the Founder/Facilitator of the Australian Shamanic Centre, will conduct a Soul Retrieval session for the souls of the earth.

Greetings of peace!

The sacred festival days continue into April. While the eight day festival of Pesach or Passover is often close in time to ‘Western’ Easter, this year, Pesach does not begin till 23 April and the Eastern Rite, or Orthodox, Easter Sunday is 1 May 2016.

The Religions for Peace event for April will be held close to those holy days. Cheryl Maddock, the Founder/Facilitator of the Australian Shamanic Centre, will conduct a Soul Retrieval session for the souls of the earth.

Cheryl invites those of us who would hold sacred space and have the same intent with heart, that is, they don’t have to be practising shamanism to feel welcome to come join the gathering.

The date is 23rd April 10am at The Springs on Mt Wellington/kunanyi

Australian Religious Response to Climate Change

India’s Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley, is in Australia right now asking, among other things, for federal government funding for Adani’s Carmichael coal mine in the Galilee Basin. Over a dozen banks have rejected the prospect of financing the environmentally disastrous Adani Carmichael coal mine, but Australians are now being asked to finance this project through Australia’s sovereign wealth fund, known as the Future Fund. Thank you to Julien Vincent and his team at Market Forces who drafted an appropriate response which I can now encourage you to support:

Please write to the Finance Minister and the Future Fund, telling them to rule out funding for Adani’s dirty coal mine!

Or write in your own words to:
Senator the Hon. Mathias Cormann
Mr Peter Costello AC: contact@futurefund.gov.au
Prime Minister the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, MP

ARRCC has long opposed this project on moral grounds, along with AYCC, the Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners of the Galilee Basin, SEED (an Aboriginal NGO), 350.org, Market Forces and others. As far as possible, Galilee Basin coal simply must be left in the ground. It is unfair for Australia to continue making a profit from coal and gas mining, while the costs of the resulting climate disruption are borne by vulnerable people, our children and grandchildren, the integrity of the Great Barrier Reef and life as we know it.

Another key social justice issue is the rights of the Aboriginal Traditional Owners of the Galilee Basin. The Wangan and Jagalingou people held an authorised native title meeting a week ago where they unanimously voted NO for the third time to reject Adani’s Carmichael coal mine on their country where their ancestors have lived for tens of thousands of years. They are fighting to stop the Queensland Government from granting a 99-year mining lease to Adani.

The many statements of faith leaders and faith-based organisations, and the innumerable warnings of scientists, all point to the urgency of humanity’s challenge to move away from coal. Pope Francis, in his encyclical Laudato Si, wrote “We know that technology based on the use of highly polluting fossil fuels – especially coal, but also oil and, to a lesser degree, gas – has to be progressively replaced without delay..” (para. 165).

More locally, on November 5th, 2015, the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils (an ARRCC member) wrote: “Coal is the dirtiest fossil fuel. Besides contributing to carbon dioxide production it causes enormous damage to human health and local ecosystems. The leadership of every nation of the world is needed now more than ever to help transition the world from coal power to renewable clean energy.”

What makes this so crazy is that reliable market analysts are noting the structural decline in coal markets world-wide, so the proposed mine isn’t likely to be profitable at any rate.

What does Australia signing the Paris Agreement mean if we allow an enormous new coal mine to be exploited within months after the summit?! Please help us stop this insanity today!

Hindu Society Of Tasmania

HOLI is our most colorful holiday! The fun-filled ‘Festival of Colours” is being celebrated on APRIL 3rd Sunday – literally has a lot of colour to add to your life!

Venue: Tolosa Park Hut No. 5, Glenorchy, Hobart, Tasmania.
Date and Time: Sunday 3rd APRIL, 11am to 2pm
Fee : $10
Colours and Light Lunch provided.


Soul Food Session at the Baha’i Centre

Soul Food is a unique monthly event hosted in the Bahá’í Centre of Learning, Hobart.

This month’s program “Lights of Divine Revelation“. Reflect on the Manifestations of God and role of rejuvenation and transformation play in our spiritual development as expressed in the Divine Teachings.

This is designed to encourage us to cherish the love we share with our fellow man you will discover how these quotes and readings can profoundly impact unity and peace in our community as expressed in the divine teachings.

The music for this program will be delightful with a young violinist, Emily Shephard

Soul Food is a unique, monthly event featuring live music, audio-visual pieces and readings from faiths and philosophers, authors, leaders and indigenous cultures from all around the world specially chosen to inspire us towards understanding and unity of nations, commencing in our homes, our communities, States and Countries.

Soul Food provides an opportunity to be inspired, Uplifted and to celebrate our humanity and oneness in a spirit of friendship and unity. This pleasant meditative afternoon is a free Community inspired event and welcomes all. Love to share this with YOU.

Where: The Bahá’í Centre of Learning, 1 Tasman Highway, (Behind the A.B.C. building)
When: Sunday APRIL 3rd
Time: 3pm.
** Great refreshments served.
For more information please call 6234 7654

Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre:

Choose to be Calm:

A short course to help calm anxiety and develop personal powers for a positive approach to life.

Four continuous sessions on Mondays April 4, 11, 18, 25 from 1.00-2.30pm at Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 51 Risdon Rd (Cnr Bell St) New Town.

Bookings are required. Phone Helen on 6244 8362 or Alice on 6278 3788.

Dances of Universal Peace

Come shower our earth and each other with sacred songs!

  • When: Tuesday, 5 April, 7:30pm
  • Where: Wesley Hall, 58 Melville St., Hobart (Upstairs)
  • There is parking in the car park.
  • You will need to enter through the side entrance via the car park and head up the stairs.
  • First Tuesday of each month, 7.30 – 9.30pm
  • Suggested donation $10
  • Enquiries ph 62 393499 or 0400051963

Tasmanian Council of Churches Emergencies Ministry Training Program:

Hello and warm Easter greetings from the Emergencies Ministry program of the TCC.

Our next EM training course is fast approaching – April 14 and 15 at Zion’s Hill Church in Launceston. Application form for Personal Support and Refresher training

Applications close on Wednesday April 6.

EM volunteers, please join us for the refresher course if you can.

Launceston News

From Rev. Shari in Launceston:

Plans are well underway for an inaugural Sacred Sabbatical Retreat for Interfaith Ministers from Australia and New Zealand. Held from April 8th – 12th at Paper Beach on the Tamar River, a local representative from the Aboriginal community will perform a Welcome to Country for the ministers on arrival. The five day gathering will be a time for deep spiritual practice as well as an opportunity to strengthen a sense of sacred community, friendship and ties between Interfaith ministers who work and serve in a diverse range of professional and spiritual capacities in the Asia Pacific region. For the majority of ministers attending the Sabbatical, this will be their first visit to Tasmania, with some taking the opportunity to see some of the state while here. It is hoped the Sabbatical with be offered each year.

Spiritual Care Australia:

Spirituality and Social Transformation, An interactive workshop presented by Dr Chris Kavelin

Dr Chris Kavelin has a PhD in law on the protection of Indigenous medical knowledge. He grew up on Native American reservations in the US and works with Indigenous communities in Australia, the Pacific and Africa, and on invitation also works alongside Heads of State to assist with development work. He has taught Law, Indigenous leadership, business communication, cultural studies, theology and religious studies, and spirituality and social transformation at Macquarie University for 10 years.

He was a keynote speaker at the National Spiritual Care Australia Conference, April 2015, Hobart

* How do we discover our purpose in life?
* How do we honour each other’s cultural and religious spiritual gifts?
* What is the value of Indigenous cultures?
* Is our discernment of spiritual reality a key to solving the environmental crisis?
* Sponsored by ‘Spiritual Care Australia ‘ (Tas Branch) a national professional association for pastoral / spiritual carers and chaplains

Explore these questions and others in this interactive workshop.

Transform your own vision. Create a profound difference in your life work and in the lives of others.

When: Thursday 14th April 2016 (9:30am – 4:30pm)
Where: Clarence Uniting Church (Cnr York and Cambridge Streets -Bellerive Tas)
Cost: SCA members: $60 (waged) $45 (unwaged) Non members: $90
Tiffin Morning and Afternoon Tea Provided
Please register by Tuesday 12th April 2016
Information: Carmel Fader : 03 6225 2746 / 043 993 1166 / Email: carmelfader@gmail.com

Download a Flyer for this event

Spiritual Care Australia: National Conference

Spiritual Care Australia will hold its next national conference at Bayview on the Park, Melbourne

Member – $590
Non-member – $690
Single Day – $250 / $200 (depending on day)

A reduction in registration fees is available on application to holders of a current Commonwealth Pension Card or Healthcare Concession Card. If this applies to you, please contact admin@spiritualcareaustralia.org.au for details.

Please contact the SCA Office by email or phone 03 9895 4447.

Don’t forget to book your accommodation at Bayview on the Park via the SCA website.

CONFERENCE PROGRAM & WORKSHOPS are available on the website.

From Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre:

Tuesday evening meditation and discussion

During April, Madhu Lilley will be leading Tuesday evenings on the topic of Tantra and the practice of Green Tara. We will explore the basis for the tantric path, mantra and deity yoga, faith from the Buddhist perspective, the concept of Buddha Nature, and benefits to doing Green Tara practice.

Foundations of Mindfulness

Mindfulness Meditation increases calm and helps settle the busy mind. The course covers mindfulness of body, feeling and mind, as well as developing positive qualities of loving kindness, compassion and equanimity. Enhancing our ability to stay in the present and lessen our anxiety about the future, or distress from the past.

This is a 6 week course, Wednesday 27th April – 1st June 2016, 10am-12pm and 7pm-9pm, Cost $260

Mindfulness for wellness for people living with Cancer::

Evidence suggests that mindfulness meditation can improve immune function, decrease stress, depression, anxiety, increase resilience and quality of life.

This course is based on the Gawler Foundation Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course. Madhu Lilley is Certified by the Gawler Foundation.

About Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre

Meditation and Discussion 7.30-9 pm, every Tuesday. Entry by $5 suggested donation.

71-3 Liverpool St [Goulds building, down the laneway to the right of the building, in the door between the bamboo pots and up the stairs to the 2nd floor]

email info@hobartbuddhistmeditationcentre.com

website www.hobartbuddhistmeditationcentre.com

From Master Wang Xin De:

Official Opening of the Two Guardian Lions and Four Heavenly Kings

Date: Sunday 15 May 2016
Time: 9.30 for 10.00am till 11.30am
Venue: 1384 Tea Tree Road, Campania
Outdoor shoes are recommended
If anyone is interested in attending, please contact Terry

Easter blessings

We leave you with this beautiful song/video-clip composed and sung by members of St James Vicariate (Hebrew Speaking Catholic community in Israel) about the love of God revealed in Jesus. It is called Ahava Raba (‘A Great Love’) Watch and listen here:

From Drazko and the Emmaus Monastic Community:

Dear Friends,

“The light

in the darkness

shines ...”

It shines no matter how dark the darkness gets; no matter how much ignorance, delusion and dishonesty; how dank and dreary the lies we are told and tell … it shines. That is the power of a single Paschal flame, flickering in the dead of night and into the predawn twilight.

Last night, from just after sunset, until early this morning, just before sunrise, we kept Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection, with the full seven readings and psalms recounting the story of salvation, listening at leisure on the mysterious and beguiling words of sacred scripture, meditating on them within a liturgical context that gives them a luminous depth and power proper to them. And then, “very early in the morning, at the first sign of dawn”, we celebrated the Liturgy of the Eucharist. When entered into as the gift that it is (rather than “done” as a task or gotten out of the way as an “obligation”), the Liturgy has a way of making the mystery of Christ’s revelation at once limpid with clarity and yet even more profoundly mysterious in their beauty and power.

Afterwards, in the coldest hours of the morning, we enjoyed some reviving tea and hot-cross buns, provided by the friends who joined us overnight for the liturgy; and talked for several hours (in one way or another) about the meaning and the implications, for ourselves and our world, of what we had just celebrated liturgically and sacramentally.

It is late afternoon now. The day is sunny, but cool. Having caught up with lost sleep, and in these quiet moments before Vespers, we wish to send you, our friends, our warmest greetings at this most holy time of the liturgical year. May it be for all of us, for the world, and indeed for creation itself, a moment of transforming joy; of a hope that is infinitely more real, certain and solid than the transient present or the no-longer-existent past, “forgetting what lies behind, and straining forward to what lies ahead, [let us] continue to run toward the goal, the prize of God’s upward calling, in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:13-14)

With God’s blessing our fraternal love,

The brothers of the Emmaus monastic community

In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
6272 6521

Religions for Peace Tasmania

Religions for Peace Tasmania