Tasmania: April 2023

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Greetings of peace for this holy month of April! Many blessings to everyone celebrating significant festivals at this time, which is a special time devoted to peacemaking.

Last Sunday 3 April was Palm Sunday, the Christian festival that begins Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday remembers Christ’s entry to Jerusalem before the crucifixion and has traditionally been dedicated to seeking justice for Asylum Seekers and Refugees. You can see the rally for refugees and Palm Sunday service from St David’s Cathedral at https://www.facebook.com/cathedralhobart/

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Religions for Peace International – Annual Report

Religions for Peace International - Annual Report

In this Annual Report for year 2022, Religions for Peace International shares a few highlights on how Religions for Peace advances multi-religious cooperation for the common good. As we celebrate these Holy Days this month, across faiths and across continents, we commemorate the vital work that the global movement advanced and mobilised in 2022. We are honoured to present the Religions for Peace 2022 Annual Report 👉🏽 http://bit.ly/3GiZmst

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Help Religions for Peace Provide Relief in Türkiye and Syria!

Religions for Peace International
Religions for Peace International

United in the dignity of our diversity, the members of the Religions for Peace global movement express our sincere condolences for the thousands of lives lost in the massive earthquakes in the Republic of Türkiye and the Syrian Arab Republic and send our prayers and love to all those who are suffering from this natural disaster.

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Invest in Multi-faith Action for Peace

Religions for Peace InternationalSupporting and cultivating humanitarian interfaith action lies at the core of the Multi-religious Humanitarian Fund – an initiative forged during the COVID-19 pandemic — but built to outlast it. The Fund supports and encourages diverse religious communities to work together in their frontline efforts to respond to humanitarian crises.

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Not in Our Name, Never in Our Name: A Conversation with Muslim Faith Leaders Echoing the Wisdom of a Pontiff

Judge Abdel SalamMuslims – leaders, laypeople, communities, and multiple institutions – have condemned, continue to condemn and will always condemn violence in the name of their faith. As the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed Al-Tayeb said on October 20: “As a Muslim and being the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, I declare before Almighty God that I disassociate myself, the rulings of the religion of Islam, and the teachings of the Prophet of Mercy, the Prophet Muhammad, from such heinous terrorist act and from whoever would embrace such deviant, false thought.

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