
Conclave (film)Many audiences will be eager to see Conclave because they have read Robert Harris’ exciting novel, the story of the death of the Pope, the gathering the Cardinals, the details required by Vatican regulations, the need for security, the holding of the conclave and the election of a new Pope.

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RfP World Assembly Declarations

Religions for Peace International
The Religions for Peace Movement convenes a World Assembly every 5-7 years for the purpose of forging a deep moral consensus on contemporary challenges and advancing multi-religious action across and beyond the Religions for Peace network. Herewith are the declarations of the World Assemblies of Religions for Peace, 1970-2019.

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Interfaith Prayer for Shared Human Flourishing & Transformative Peace

Religions for Peace

Religions for Peace is pleased to invite you to participate in the upcoming Interfaith Prayer for Shared Human Flourishing & Transformative Peace, a virtual gathering to be held on Wednesday, 8 January 2025, from 8:30AM – 9:30AM EST (Click here for your local time).

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Religions for Peace: 2024 at a Glance

Religions for Peace InternationalAs we approach the end of 2024, we at Religions for Peace are deeply grateful for your ongoing support and dedication to our shared mission. Your partnership has been a true inspiration for our progress, enabling us to reach meaningful achievements. We continue to strive towards reaching the mission of “Shared Wellbeing” by building a peaceful, just, and sustainable world for all, and we are honoured to have you with us on this journey.

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Everything that matters: Marilynne Robinson’s book on Genesis teaches us how to talk about God

Marilynne RobinsonAustralians love a long weekend, and our longest long weekend is this week’s. I don’t hear anybody complaining about having Friday and Monday off, but Easter itself — apart from a few chocolate egg hunts — goes little marked now in Australia. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday: these are like way markers on what used to be a main road but has been much quieter since they built that bypass.

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Interfaith Engagement Beyond the Divide: Approaches, Experiences, and Practices

Book Cover:  Interfaith Engagement Beyond the Divide: Approaches, Experiences, and Practices

Interfaith Engagement Beyond the Divide showcases interfaith dialogue and collaborative research and praxis between authors of different faiths. Thhis book explores future prospects of interfaith collaborations and effective solutions to contemporary global problems. It features inspirational, aspirational, and propositional reflections from diverse religious traditions.

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At a Crossroads: An Intergenerational and Multireligious Response to the Social and Environmental Crises Report

At a Crossroads: An Intergenerational and Multireligious Response to the Social and Environmental Crises Report

At a Crossroads: An Intergenerational and Multireligious Response to the Social and Environmental Crisis” was hosted by Religions for Peace and the City Council of Manresa, Spain, on November 28-30, 2022. Timed to coincide with the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius of Loyola’s pilgrimage to Manresa, which highlighted cross-sectoral concerns of environment, migration, and social transformation, this international consultation was aimed at addressing the environmental crises facing our planet.

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Mindful Peace: A New Religions for Peace Blog

Mindful Peace: A New Religions for Peace Blog

Religions for Peace is pleased to announce the launch of our new blogspace, “Mindful Peace” – a platform dedicated to promoting interfaith understanding, reflection and cooperation for peace. This blog aims to provide a safe and welcoming space for people of all faith and Indigenous traditions to come together and share perspectives on issues related to Religions for Peace’s Six Strategic Goals.

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Women of Excellence in Multi-Religious Action Award

Women of Excellence in Multi-Religious Action Award
Religions for Peace, the world’s most representative multi-faith organisation, is pleased to announce the inaugural Women of Excellence in Multi-Religious Action Award! Women of faith are the backbone of all faith communities and religious institutions but are rarely recognised for their efforts. Religions for Peace understands the importance of recognising and amplifying the work of women of faith and women-led initiatives, as they are often overlooked in the fields of peacebuilding and interfaith cooperation. Through this award, Religions for Peace aims to highlight and bring attention to the crucial role that women of faith play in creating lasting change in their communities and beyond.

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