Documentary chronicles historic religious fraternity in United Arab Emirates

Pope Francis shakes hands with Sheik Ahmad el-TayebRome — Pope Francis’ landmark 2019 document on “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” is widely considered a major advancement in the Catholic Church’s relationship with the Muslim world. The document, which was signed in Abu Dhabi when Francis became the first pope to visit the Arabian Peninsula, calls for a “culture of mutual respect” — and has been heralded by Islamic, Jewish and Christian leaders around the globe.

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Not in Our Name, Never in Our Name: A Conversation with Muslim Faith Leaders Echoing the Wisdom of a Pontiff

Judge Abdel SalamMuslims – leaders, laypeople, communities, and multiple institutions – have condemned, continue to condemn and will always condemn violence in the name of their faith. As the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed Al-Tayeb said on October 20: “As a Muslim and being the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, I declare before Almighty God that I disassociate myself, the rulings of the religion of Islam, and the teachings of the Prophet of Mercy, the Prophet Muhammad, from such heinous terrorist act and from whoever would embrace such deviant, false thought.

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