The annual Victorian Mosque Open Day will be back on the 15th of February from 10:00am. Mosques in Victoria look forward to hosting visitors with dozens of local mosques ready to open their doors to the whole Victorian community.
Islamic Council of Victoria
Supporting Victoria’s Jewish And Islamic Communities
The Victorian Government is investing in the safety of Victorian faith communities, with new support to combat antisemitism and Islamophobia to make sure communities feel safe, welcomed and celebrated.
Walking Together Workshop
For the 1st Nations People, Sovereignty is a spiritual bond between land and its people and that Sovereignty was never ceded. It ios a connection between past present and future. The Migrant Workers Centre, the Islamic Council of Victoria, the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria jointly hosted a Workshop at the Trades Hall, Melbourne. The workshop took participant through the #Uluru #Statement of the #Heart and how best the Multicultural community can walk with the 1st Nations People to achieve recognition of the Voice in the Constitution.
STORIES BEYOND COVID – Celebration of life
The Islamic Council of Victoria will conduct a Video Festival from February 15-21, in 2021. Diverse communities across Victoria are invited to share their experiences of Covid-19 and the unique ways of coping taken up. Video submissions are invited before 31 December 2020.
Melbourne Muslims feel ‘unfairly tarnished’ by reports linking them to rising COVID-19 case
The Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) has warned against scapegoating the Muslim community for the rising number of coronavirus cases in Melbourne while backing calls from AFL star Bachar Houli for more people to get tested.
Islamic Council of Victoria: Advice on the health impact of COVID-19
Victoria: Statement on Islamophobia
The Islamic Centre of Victoria has recently produced a Statement on Islamophobia. The statement explains Islamophobia, violent extremism and countering violent extremism. The statement has significant support from public leaders and the religious communities of Victoria. We provide a truncated summary of this document.
Christchurch Massacre Commemoration – March 15, 2020
Sunday, March 15th will be the first anniversary of the Christchurch massacre at two of its mosques of 51 people (47 males, 4 females). The perpetrator was an Australian. Religions for Peace Australia issues a Call to Prayer for Faith Communities of Australia to commemorate this event.
The Domestic Experience of Freedom of Religion or Belief
On Tuesday, 29 November 2016 the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Julie Bishop MP, asked the House of Representatives Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade to inquire into and report on The status of the human right to freedom of religion or belief. That Committee has a Human Rights Sub-Committee which conducted the inquiry.
An interim report of the committee was issued in November, 2017. On Wednesday, 3 April 2019, the Sub-Committee tabled its second interim report for the Inquiry into the status of the human right to freedom of religion or belief. In this article, we select excerpts of the domestic experience of freedom of religion or belief as expressed by various religious communities in the report.
Victorian Mosque Open Day to go ahead, says Islamic Council of Victoria
Tomorrow a mosque open day is being held in Victoria and police have said will increase the security presence around places of worship. Twenty-one mosques in Victoria plan to open their doors to the community to mark the beginning of Cultural Diversity Week. It’s the third year the open day has been held, with thousands of visitors attending in previous years.
Victorian Mosque Open Day 2019
The Islamic Council of Victoria will conduct their third Open Mosque Day on Sunday, March 17th from 10:00 – 4:00pm. 20 participating mosques will open their doors to visitors and guests, provide mosque tours and a warm welcome.
Victoria: Open Mosque Day Training
Islamic Council of Victoria’s annual state-wide Victorian Mosque Open Day team ran a training session for participating Mosques on Saturday, February 9 at the ICV to provide support for Mosques who will open their doors for the initiative on Sunday, March 17 this year, during Cultural Diversity Week.