Virtual Symposium on Human Trafficking

Virtual Symposium on Human TraffickingReligions for Peace Asia is pleased to announce that Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network and the Asian Conference on Religions for Peace will hold their second virtual symposium on Human Trafficking on June 22 and 23, 2021, at noon (Japan Standard Time).

At the first seminar held in January, we learned about the reality of human trafficking in the various countries of South and Southeast Asia, and the importance of strengthening international networks between faith-based organizations and organizations working to prevent human trafficking, and the role of religious leaders.

In this virtual symposium we will focus on the vulnerable sectors of society, the women and children trapped in modern-day slavery. The seminar will be focusing on “The Women and Children of Asia Trapped in Modern-Day Slavery.”

The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that 40.3 million people are victims of human trafficking worldwide, and most of the victims are children and women. The seminar will focus on the trafficking issue of children and women of Asia from a religious perspective.

The speakers are ACRP’s proud experts and colleagues from various religious and cultural backgrounds in Asia, who have been researching the issue of human trafficking for many years.

Theme: “The Women and Children of Asia Trapped in Modern-Day Slavery”.

2-Day Program Highlights

Day One

12:00 Opening
12:15 Plenary Session 1 ~Spiritual Reflections on the Dignity of Women and Children~
* Buddhism
* Islam
* Christianity

1:15- Plenary Session 2 ~Women of Asia in Modern-day Slavery~

** Women in forced Labor
** Women in Sex Trafficking
** Women in Domestic Servitude
** Women in Bride Trafficking

2:15- Synthesis and Close

Day Two

12:00 Opening
12:10 Plenary Session 3: The Children of Asia in Modern-day Slavery

* Child Labor
* Child Soldiers
* Child Brides  
* The Child in Cybersex
* The Child in Syndicated crimes

1:30: Session 4 ~ Impact and Consequences of Slavery in Women and Children

** The visible and invisible scars

2:20 Closing

Please confirm your attendance by using the registration link here and below.
Zoom Registration:


Virtual Symposium on Human Trafficking