Interreligious dialogue in the teaching of the Catholic Church

Cardinal Tauran

Vatican City, 12 November 2013 (VIS) – A press conference was held in the Holy See Press Office this morning to present the book “Il Dialogo Interreligioso nell’Insegnamento Ufficiale della Chiesa Cattolica (1963-2013)” (“Interreligious Dialogue in the Official Teaching of the Catholic Church, (1963-2013)”).

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Religions must avoid engendering a spirit of superiority or exclusion


Vatican City, 19 November 2013 (VIS) – Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, gave an address at today’s inaugural session of the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Centre for Inter-religious and Inter-cultural Dialogue (KAICIID). The centre is an independent organisation based in Vienna and founded by Saudi Arabia, Austria and Spain, to which the Holy See adheres in the role of Founding Observer.

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Love, Peace and Harmony in Perth

Des Cahill in Perth

Many faith groups celebrated the UN observance of the International Day of Peace on Sunday 22 September at the Palms Community Centre in Subiaco. There was a significant turn out in the order of over 100 people; with great diversity across many religions, political standpoints, ethnic origins and age groups

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Faith and Climate Change

Gosford Anglican Church

On Sunday 17 November, thousands of people around Australia have gathered to call for increased action in the cause of climate change. ABC Local interviewed leaders from three faith and climate change groups.

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