Many faith groups celebrated the UN observance of the International Day of Peace on Sunday 22 September at the Palms Community Centre in Subiaco. There was a significant turn out in the order of over 100 people; with great diversity across many religions, political standpoints, ethnic origins and age groups
International Peace Day Observance (22 September) was facilited jointly by the United Nations Association of WA and the fledgling interfaith movement in Western Australia. There was a concerted effort at this event to form a branch of Religions for Peace in Western Australia. The Chair, Religions for Peace Australia, Prof. Des Cahill, travelled to Perth to attend the celebration. The event was co-coordinated by Eva Szauter of Brahma Kumaris.
The central theme for the celebration was “Love, Peace, and Harmony” which was evident in all the presentations, speakers and performers. The dynamic opening address was given by Carolyne Gatward (UN Association of WA President) who reminded us peace in our world is currently a scarce commodity. She quoted former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali who said that: “It is not enough to yearn for peace. Peace requires work — long, hard, difficult work.”
Crowd at International Peace Day Observance – Perth
A minute of silence was observed as a sign of respect to those people killed in conflict and the survivors that live daily trauma and pain.
The program took a spiritual and heartfelt approach including additional messages of peace and unity; three Native American flute songs performed by Ian Cullen who composed and played two of these especially for Peace Day; prayers and song led by the Baha’i community; various poems; guided meditation; Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Universal Brotherhood and Christian faith prayers; a further Muslim prayer sung by year 10 students from the Australian Islamic College; a group peace prayer sung by the Sathya Sai Ladies Wing of WA; and an interactive Bollywood styled dance led by Diana Batchelor, youth representative from Journey Towards Hope Arts Projects.
Bollywood styled dance led by Diana Batchelor, youth representative from Journey Towards Hope Arts Projects
The general message seeking peace, unity, family, and brotherhood was clear across the prayers, poems, songs and presentations from all that participated. It is hoped that representatives from the participating faith groups and religions will take up the invitation offered by Prof. Des Cahill to form a branch of Religions for Peace in Western Australia.
Special thanks are offered to the event’s organizing committee lead by Eva Szauter (Brahma Kumaris) and Ester Steingiesser (UNAAWA Executive Member).
Sathya Sai Ladies Wing of WA sing at the International Peace Day Observance – Perth
Singers at the 2013 International Peace Day Observance – Perth
Program for United Nations Day of Peace
22 September 2013
- Marie Taylor, Welcome to Country
- MC Mary Sayers, welcome everyone / Guided Meditation
- Carolyne Gatward, UNAA WA President will do the opening of the event.
- Chair Religions for Peace: Professor Desmond Cahill OAM, “Peace and Interfaith Harmony in a Global World”
- Ian Cullen, Native American Style Flute; Day of Peace [it’s a piece that Ian wrote specially for the International Day of Peace Perth 2013]
- Christine Morrison, Light Candles for Peace and minute of silence
- Sam Milani, Baha’i Faith Prayer
- Sheba Farrokhi, Unity Song, Baha’i Faith
- Carolyn Minter, “Family Feelings”, poem, Brahma Kumaris Australia
- Venerable Sister Huecan, Buddhist Faith Prayer
- Ian Cullen, Native American Style Flute; “Sky View”
- Ellen Levett, Christian Faith Prayer
- Ian Cullen Shakuhachi, “Honshirabe’’
- Sharon Andrews, Guided Meditation
- David Lazarus, Jewish message for Peace – Peace song in Hebrew
- Vimal Shah, “Peace” by Precious Pearl, Brahma Kumaris Australia
- Shaikh Feizel Chothia, Muslim Faith Prayer
- Muslim Faith Prayer sung by Year 10 students from the Australian Islamic College
- Teresa van Lieshout, Christian Faith Poem
- Mr Gurbachan Singh Sekhon, Sikh Faith Prayer
- Rev.Pummy Thandi, Universal Brotherhood Prayer / song “This Life is Made of Time!”
- Raghav Gujarati, Rachit Gujarati and Nishant Gujarati, Vaishnav Faith Prayer
- Fuat Layic, Muslim Faith Prayer, Intercultural Harmony Society
- Manita Beskow, Universal Great Brotherhood, Founded by Dr S.R. de la Ferrière, Prayer
- Ian Cullen, Native American Style Flute, “Distant Bell”
- Sathya Sai Organization of Australia & Papua New Guinea, Peace Prayer presented by Ladies Wing – Western Australia
- JaiHo dancing and drumming for peace – led by Diana Batchelor, youth representative of award winning Journey Towards Hope Arts Projects
- Close of program by MC
Participants at the 2013 International Peace Day Observance – Perth
Professor Desmond Cahill (Religions for Peace), Carolyne Gatward (United Nations Association WA), Eva Szauter (Brahma Kumris) and Ester Steingiesser