Asian Immigrants and Religion

Migrants on boat

An international bilingual workshop on “Asian Immigrants and Religion” was held outside Seoul from October 22nd – 24th 2013, hosted by the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP), often known as Religions for Peace Asia. It was organized by ACRP’s Seoul Peace Education Center and sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

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Korean DMZ Conference of Interfaith Leaders

Korea DMZ Sentry

For the first time in sixty years on October 26th, 2013, an international peace conference was held at the recently constructed DMZ Peace Conference Center and Plaza within the restricted zone and but fifty metres from the southern line of the demilitarized area within sight of the North Korean and South Korean observation points.

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Creation Care

Public Lecture - Creation Care

Tabor Adelaide and the Graham Clark Research Institute are delighted to invite the public to take the opportunity to hear Matthew and Nancy Sleeth speak about creation care and the environmental responsibility.

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Education Integration Challenges

Book Cover, education integration challenges

Australia displays an outstanding record, says Dr Ata, in displaying tolerance and in accommodating an incredibly diverse population, in his new book, Education Integration Challenges.

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9th World Assembly Resources

The 9th World Assembly of Religions for Peace will be held in Vienna during November, 2013. Delegates from Religions for Peace Australia will be attending the Assembly. Download the Theme Paper of the 9th World Assembly Follow the 9th World Assembly on social media Welcoming the Other The Assembly Theme Paper may be downloaded here … Read more

Integration of Immigrants into Societies:

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

Prof. Des Cahill, Chair, Religions for Peace Australia, delivered the Keynote address in Seoul at the international workshop on “Asian Immigrants and Religion” sponsored by the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace, Seoul Peace Education Center on October 22nd, 2013

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