NSW: Common Dreams 2019

The fifth Common Dreams International Conference – “Sacred Earth: Original Blessing; Our Common Home” – will be held in Sydney 11 – 14 July, 2019. The distinguished international speaker is Matthew Fox & the theme of the conference is based on his twelve principles of Creation Spirituality & the content of the keynote addresses & the electives will relate to one or more of these principles.

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Adelaide celebrates the Global Week of Living the Change

The Adelaide Living the Change event is part of a series of national celebrations of Living the Change and will take place on Sunday 7 October 2018. The events offer an opportunity for us to examine what changes we can make as a community and in our individual lives in the areas of transport, diet and energy; and to share our what inspires us and what we struggle with. How can we reduce our carbon footprint together?

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2018 Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference

The Faith Communities Council of Victoria, in association with the Brimbank and Maribyrnong Interfaith Network and the City of Brimbank, would like to invite you to the 2018 Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference on Sunday, November 18th 2018 @ St. Albans Community Centre

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Victoria: Delegation visits Melbourne

A delegation from the Vatican Pontifical Council for Interfaith Dialogue (PCID) is currently in Australia, visiting Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne to meet members from Australia’s interreligious communities. The delegation includes Bishop Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot MCCJ, the Council Secretary and an expert in Islam; Monsignor Indunil Kodithuwakku, who follows relations with the Buddhists, Shinto and Confucianists; Monsignor Santiago Michael, who follows relations with the Hindus, Sikhs and Jains; and Fr Markus Solo SVD, who follows relations with Muslims in Asia and Pacific.

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The Time to Act is Now: A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change

Together, with over 5000 Buddhist practitioners, and significant leaders such as the Dalai Lama, the Karmarpa, and Thich Nhat Hanh, we are presenting The Time to Act is Now, A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change, co-authored by David Loy, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi and John Stanley. The declaration, authored in 2009 and updated in 2015, represents a global Buddhist statement and will be presented under the name, “Global Buddhist Climate Change Collective” on November 28th in Paris when there will a ceremony of all faith based petitions. The total number of signatures may be in the millions.


Fifteen of the world´s most senior Buddhists leaders have issued a landmark call to all nations to adopt an effective climate change agreement at the UN negotiations in Paris starting 30 November. This new statement serves as an endorsement of the Declaration below and is signed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa. It is also signed by Supreme Heads of Buddhism in Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Secretary General of the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC), President of the Buddhist Association of the USA, President of the UBF (l’Union Bouddhiste de France) and Her Royal Highness Princess Ashi Kesang Wangmo Wangchuk of Bhutan. This is the first time so many Buddhist luminaries have come together on any global issue to speak with one voice.

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Queensland: Alleged appointment as Grand Mufti: Sheik Hilaly

“In the presence of the president of the Logan Mosque, in the presence of Imam Sheikh Abdul Quoodos and in the presence of the Chairman of the Australian International Islamic College of Durack, and all the doctors we do hereby declare that as from now Sheikh Taj El-din Hilali is the Grand Mufti of Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific”

Sheik Taj El-Din Hilaly could be back as Australia’s highest-ranking Muslim.

The controversial cleric was anointed Grand Mufti by Queensland’s long serving Imam Abdul Taub Raza at Logan Mosque in Brisbane yesterday in front of fellow Imams and a large crowd of community leaders and worshippers.

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