The Awareness Centre in Ashburton will offer an day on mindfulness on Tuesday 16 October 2018.
Buddha-Heart Fellowship of Tasmania
Buddha-Heart Fellowship conducts meditation, compassion and healing every Sunday at 1:00pm at Zen House Studio, 100 Main Road, Penguin.
Victoria: Vesak Events
The Buddhist Council of Victoria will celebrate Vesak with several events over the weekend commencing Saturday, 2 June 2018
NSW: Spirituality, Religion and Meditation
Brahma Kumaris Innerspace Sydney will conduct a workshop on Spirituality ,Religion and Meditation at Five Dock on Saturday 15th April 4pm – 5.30pm.
Tasmania: November 2016
Greetings of peace and many congratulations for a happy Diwali!
The Religions for Peace Tas branch gathering for this month will be held on Saturday 19 November 2016 from 10am-4.00pm at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay. Rev John Carroll, Secretary of Australian Religious Response to Climate Change at the headquarters in Sydney, will facilitate a workshop entitled Spirituality and Climate Activism.