Amar is driving from Sydney to Darwin to engage culturally diverse communities with the Yes campaign

Amar Singh and Van
Australian of the Year Local Hero award winner Amar Singh says there’s been a “gap” in communicating the importance of the referendum to multicultural communities.

Amar Singh says it’s his responsibility as “a human being” to engage multicultural communities with the Yes campaign.

That’s why he’s begun a two-month 25,000 kilometre round-trip journey from Sydney to Darwin.

Mr Singh won the 2023 Australian of the Year Local Hero award for his work with his charity Turbans 4 Australia, a Sikh-led assistance organisation that delivers food and aid to vulnerable people across western Sydney.

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Australian Quakers: Support for the Voice

Quakers Australia logoAustralian Quakers consider it is essential that First Peoples have an effective say in laws and policies that affect them. We support the full implementation of the Statement from the Heart and we hold that support for the Yes vote for the Voice is a pivotal step toward the Statement’s full implementation.

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Indian Link Statement of Support: The Voice

Yes - support a first nations voice to parliament

The Uluru Statement From the Heart, the result of several national dialogues and overwhelming consensus amongst Indigenous Australians across the country, called for a Voice and Treaty. Importantly, it called for Australians of all backgrounds to walk with them toward a better future.

Indian Link is proud to accept that invitation and affirms its support for the establishment of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament and a ‘Yes’ vote at the upcoming referendum.

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Recognition and Voice

Noel PearsonAn Afternoon With Noel Pearson
With the referendum on the way, it’s important to explore and discuss as a community what it will mean to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne is hosting an event with Noel Pearson (online) on Monday 31 July 2023 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm AEST.

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Walking Together Workshop

Walking Together WorkshopFor the 1st Nations People, Sovereignty is a spiritual bond between land and its people and that Sovereignty was never ceded. It ios a connection between past present and future. The Migrant Workers Centre, the Islamic Council of Victoria, the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria jointly hosted a Workshop at the Trades Hall, Melbourne. The workshop took participant through the #Uluru #Statement of the #Heart and how best the Multicultural community can walk with the 1st Nations People to achieve recognition of the Voice in the Constitution.

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Support for Constitutional Recognition

YES, supporting VOICE
In 2020, Religions for Peace Australia amended its Constitution to include support appropriate recognition of the spiritualities of the First Peoples of Australia. In this wise, Religions for Peace Australia wrote to the Prime Minister in August 2020 calling for a Voice to Parliament, a Makarrata Treaty and a Truth Telling Commission. On this page, we provide our reasons for support of the Constitutional Recognition Referendum.

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ACT – Interfaith Dialogues: The Voice and Reconciliation

Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture logoThe Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture is presenting four public Interfaith Dialogues, hosted by Profs Anthony Maher and Stan Grant. The discussions will include a panel of six faith leaders from different religions. Each panellist will briefly engage with introductory remarks addressing the above questions followed by a Q & A hosted by Stan Grant between the panel and the audience.

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Saying Yes to the Voice will herald a better future for us all

Sister Patty FawknerTruth-telling is essential. We cannot fall into the racist trap of dismissing authenticated stories of the past as a ‘black armband’ view of history, that pejorative label cynically employed by former prime minister John Howard, writes Sister Patty Fawkner, Congregational Leader of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan.

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An Indigenous Voice to Parliament: Considering a constitutional bridge by Frank Brennan, SJ

An Indigenous Voice to Parliament: Considering a constitutional bridge

Australians will soon be asked to vote in a referendum asking ‘Do you support an alteration to the Constitution that establishes an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice?’

Frank Brennan has been an advocate for Indigenous rights for 40 years. Here he shows the difficult path travelled by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and their supporters to get to this question.

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Voice to Parliament: Faith Leaders’ Open Letter

Yes - support a first nations voice to parliament

This morning, Leader’s of Australia’s major religious and ethno-religious organisations have called upon all Federal parliamentarians to support a First Nations’ voice to parliament, called for through the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart.

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Victoria: Statements from the Soul Panel Discussion

Statements from the Soul Panel Discussion

Statements from the Soul is a new book comprised of a collection of essays from diverse religious leaders and thinkers advocating the moral case for the Uluru Statement from the Heart and for a First Nations voice to be enshrined in the Australian Constitution. Moderated by prominent journalist Patricia Karvelas, presenter of ABC’s RN Breakfast, Statements from the Soul panel discussion will feature some of the contributors on why a First Nations voice to parliament is necessary not only legally and politically, but also morally. Tuesday 21 February 2023 at 6:15pm at The Craig Auditorium, Trinity College, Melbourne

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South Australia: Uluru Statement from the Heart: Voice – Treaty – Truth

 Uluru Statement from the Heart: Voice – Treaty – Truth

Churches Together South Australia is coordinating an ecumenical event, for all people across Churches in South Australia and wider communities. It will be a time for learning more, and asking questions or raising concerns, with two key Aboriginal Elders. Two Sessions will be held at West Adelaide Uniting Church on Wednesday, 15 February 2023.

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