Pope Francis tells, ‘It’s wrong to identify Islam with violence’

francis-planePope Francis said on Sunday that it was wrong to identify Islam with violence and that social injustice and idolatry of money were among the prime causes of terrorism. “I think it is not right to identity Islam with violence,” he told reporters aboard the plane taking him back to Rome after a five-day trip to Poland. “This is not right and this is not true.”

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NSW: Creeds and cultures combine for Interfaith Dinner

punchbowl1The Canterbury Bankstown Harmony Group event was held at Punchbowl Community Centre last Wednesday night. The Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, was present as well other religious leaders and politicians including Lakemba Uniting Church minister Reverend Graeme Watkins and Watson MP Tony Burke.

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Catholic Priest – Interfaith Participant, killed by IS

hamel2Two men pledging allegiance to Islamic State attacked a Roman Catholic church during Mass on Tuesday, killing a priest and gravely injuring another person in the first assault on a church amid a string of recent terror attacks on Western Europe. The priest, Father Hamel, was a member of the Normandy Interfaith Committee and was well respected.

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Tasmania, July 2016

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The Religions for Peace gathering for this month will be held on Sunday 31 July 2016 from 3.00pm-4.00pm at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay. Our guest will be Mr Usman Rana from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. His topic will be An Introduction to Islam and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

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Message from Mufti of Australia to Muslim Youth

muftiThe Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammad, has given a message to the Muslim youth of Australia urging steadiness, and to obtain their sacred learnings and practice of religion from recognised sheiks who lead at mosques in the Australian community. “Google Sheiks” and “Youtube Sheiks” are not authentic and misleading, says the Grand Mufti. The Grand Mufti also emphasises that Islam only presents good for all who live here.

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