Celebrating Mercy with Believers of Other Religions is a concise and simple compendium, edited by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, mainly addressed to Bishops’ Conferences and through them, to all Catholics. At the same time, we would be pleased if this proves useful to believers of other religions.
Year of Mercy
Interfaith Perspectives on Mercy: Australian Catholic University
The Australian Catholic University will conduct a four-session short course on Inter-Faith Perspectives on Mercy as part of the Short Courses in Theology series at the Lecture Theatre, Victoria Parade Campus of ACU in Fitzroy, Melbourne.
Victoria: Inter-Faith Perspectives on Mercy
Pope Francis has proclaimed 2016 as the Year of Mercy. Within this context, Australian Catholic Universithy will explore the several questions from the perspective of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism in a four part series of lectures commencing on 3 August 2016. This lecture series is open to the public.