Victoria: PathWays Annual General Meeting

pathwaysPathWays for Diversity Education works for educational purposes in order to promote mutual respect and social cohesion across the diversity of belief in Australian society, including both faith and freethought worldviews. This educational work is carried out in two main settings, first in the training of young adult presenters, second among senior high school students, usually Year 10. Pathways invites you to their first Annual General Meeting with Guest Speaker Helen Kapalos, new chair of the Victorian Multicultural Commission.

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National Mosque Open Day

dayNational Mosque Open Day is an annual Australia-wide event organised by the Lebanese Muslim Association and proudly supported by the Department of Social Services. The event features a number of mosques across the nation simultaneously opening their doors to the public and inviting them to come in and explore their local mosque.

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Introducing a temporary visa for parents

The Australian public is invited to provide their views on the development of a new visa for parents of Australians. The ​Australian Government is seeking community input to help shape the development of the visa. More >> A discussion paper about developing the new visa titled Introducing a temporary visa for parents: Discussion paper (September … Read more

Do Polls equal “Lies, damned lies, and statistics”?

salatThere has been much conversation, interaction and discussion in multifaith and interfaith circles along with formal responses to an Essential Opinion poll about Muslim immigration. Professor Andrew Markus of the Monash – Scanlon Index of Social Cohesion examines the poll, the various methods of polling, and what results certain types of polling deliver. Due his nation-building work on social cohesion, we reproduce (with permission) this examination of this poll by Prof. Andrew Markus.

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Victoria: Eid Breakfast with Father Rod Bower

bower2The ICV hosted its first Eid Breakfast on Monday 19th September 2016 with Keynote Speaker Fr Rod Bower, from the Gosford Anglican Church. Fr Bower is internationally recognised for his interfaith dialogue. Guests also heard speeches from ICV President Bayram Aktepe, ICV Imam Sheikh Abdinur Weli and MC’ed by Br Junaid Cheema.

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Wake Up for Peace – celebrating UN International Day of Peace 2016


On the morning of 21st September, the Melbourne community and it’s leaders will come together to wake up for peace and proactively support the UN International Day of Peace, along with millions around the world.

​You are invited to join this event and create silent, powerful intentions of peace and goodwill – on one day, for one purpose – and as one community at Deakin Edge, Federation Square, 7.45-8.30am.

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Pope’s Address to “America in Dialogue: Our Common Home” Interfaith Symposium


On Thursday, Pope Francis received in audience the participants in a Symposium  promoted by the Organization of American States and the Institute of Inter-Religious dialogue of Buenos Aires on the theme: “America in Dialogue: Our Common Home” (Augustinianum, Rome, September 7-8).

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