PathWays for Diversity Education works for educational purposes in order to promote mutual respect and social cohesion across the diversity of belief in Australian society, including both faith and freethought worldviews. This educational work is carried out in two main settings, first in the training of young adult presenters, second among senior high school students, usually Year 10. Pathways invites you to their first Annual General Meeting with Guest Speaker Helen Kapalos, new chair of the Victorian Multicultural Commission.
The PathWays coalition is an effective mix of passionate articulate young adults and highly qualified and experienced representatives of supporting organisations.
Together we have created a new dialogue and cooperation linking people from both religious and secular organizations. The term inter-belief is used to denote this diversity that moves beyond interfaith to embrace humanist worldviews.
Participants in PathWays fully respect the variety of beliefs in our community in a way that allows each different voice to be heard in its particularity.
To mark the progress of PathWays , you are invited to participate in the first AGM of PathWays as an incorporated society:
Annual General Meeting
Time: 6.30 pm Tuesday October 18.
Venue: Uniting Church Synod, 130 Little Collins St. (Ground floor).
Speaker: Helen Kapalos, new chair of the Victorian Multicultural Commission.
Topics: The crucial role of schools in growing multicultural understanding, and the importance of inter-belief dialogue for understanding cultural diversity.
Come along to enjoy the interaction of this unique freethought and faith project. A reply with notice of your attendance will be helpful but is not necessary. Thank you for your interest.