Vesak is a major Buddhist festival and is a holiday observed traditionally by Buddhists on different days around the world to celebrate the birth of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Melbourne will hold a Multicultural Festival of celebrations on Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 May at Federation Square.
Federation Square
Wake Up for Peace – celebrating UN International Day of Peace 2016
On the morning of 21st September, the Melbourne community and it’s leaders will come together to wake up for peace and proactively support the UN International Day of Peace, along with millions around the world.
You are invited to join this event and create silent, powerful intentions of peace and goodwill – on one day, for one purpose – and as one community at Deakin Edge, Federation Square, 7.45-8.30am.
Victoria: Support for Orlando
The Victorian LGBTI community will come together at Federation Square on Thursday 16 June 2016 at 5pm, to stand in solidarity with Orlando and against hate and prejudice. A multi faith service will be held at 6pm at St Paul’s Cathedral Melbourne.