NSW: National interfaith forum on Religious values and the value of religion

APRO (Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations), the NSW Branch of Religions for Peace Australia, the Australian Multicultural Foundation along with the Organ and Tissue Authority of Australia bring a national interfaith forum on Religious Values and the values of religion.
While religion still plays an important role in many individual lives, its role at the level of the community and institutions is contested. Some question both the value of religion, and the place of religious values in our society. This roundtable seminar will examine the role of religion – and its contributions to Australian society and culture – this day, this age.

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NSW: Creeds and cultures combine for Interfaith Dinner

punchbowl1The Canterbury Bankstown Harmony Group event was held at Punchbowl Community Centre last Wednesday night. The Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, was present as well other religious leaders and politicians including Lakemba Uniting Church minister Reverend Graeme Watkins and Watson MP Tony Burke.

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