Australia: Nobel Peace Ride

In September 2018, The Nobel Peace Ride will journey from Melbourne to Canberra by bicycle, touring ICAN’s Nobel Peace Prize medal and raising awareness of the new UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Beginning on September 2 in Melbourne, the birthplace of ICAN, we will arrive in Canberra on September 20, marking one year since the nuclear ban treaty opened for signature and demanding our Government join this landmark accord as a matter of urgency.

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NSW: South Sudanese Burial Rites

According to the latest census count, just over 5,000 people in Greater Western Sydney reported having a Sudanese ancestry. Over 90% of them came to Sydney from South Sudan. The Community of South Sudan and Other Marginalised Areas Association (CSSOMA) is the peak body in NSW representing the South Sudanese community. CSSOMA provides South Sudanese with culturally appropriate support Services and advocates on their behalf. Here, we learn about the importance of proper burial rites for the South Sudanese, primarily of the Dinka religion.

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NSW: Christian-Muslim Relations in the 21st Century

Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, the former President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue will deliver a Public Lecture at Australian Catholic University, Strathfield, NSW on Saturday 9 September. Archbishop Fitzgerald’s topic is Christian-Muslim Relations in the 21st Century. He is retired Apostolic Nuncio to the Arab Republic of Egypt and Delegate to the League of Arab States, currently living in Jerusalem

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NSW: Interfaith Movie – The Sultan and The Saint

The Sultan and the Saint tells one of the great, lost stories from history. Set in a past period of East-West conflict, it speaks with urgency to our present. Two men of faith, one an itinerant Christian preacher, the other the ruler of a Muslim Empire, bucked a century of war, distrust, and insidious propaganda in a search for mutual respect and common ground.

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NSW: Grand Mufti leads Annual Interfaith Iftar

The Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, has called for religions to unite against terror as he hosted the largest ever Australian Iftar dinner. “This is obviously the view of everybody, whether they are the original custodians of the land, whether they are refugees or whether they have come here from anywhere around the world,” he said. Held during Ramadan, this year the traditional Islamic event was extended to ministers from various Christian denominations, as well as the senior Naval and Police Chaplains.

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NSW Branch Meeting

The NSW Branch of Religions for Peace met at Parliament House, Sydney, today (22 May 2017). As part of a series on the organisations of different faiths, the Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu participants discussed the Australian Jewish community, with some history, anecdotes, observations and a little bit of theological questioning. Thanks to the Hon … Read more