Tasmania: May 2023

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Greetings of peace! We hope you, your families and communities are safe, well and warm heading into the cooler months. We are now approaching Reconciliation Week and I’d like to draw special attention to the program on 3 June, Understanding the Uluru Statement from the Heart and The Voice to Parliament. You can find the details for this at 4) below. It will be an opportunity to ask questions and understand some of the issues surrounding the coming Referendum. The event will be held both in person and online and we hope to see you there.

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Tasmania: International Mother Earth Day

Invest in our Planet: International Mother Earth Day 2023Religions for Peace Tasmania in partnership with Brahma Kumaris Australia to honour International Earth Day from 7.30-8.30pm on 22 April 2023. There will be prayers, chanting and meditations to send vibrations of love and peace to support all living beings.

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Tasmania: April 2023

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Greetings of peace for this holy month of April! Many blessings to everyone celebrating significant festivals at this time, which is a special time devoted to peacemaking.

Last Sunday 3 April was Palm Sunday, the Christian festival that begins Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday remembers Christ’s entry to Jerusalem before the crucifixion and has traditionally been dedicated to seeking justice for Asylum Seekers and Refugees. You can see the rally for refugees and Palm Sunday service from St David’s Cathedral at https://www.facebook.com/cathedralhobart/

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Tasmania: February 2023

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Greetings of peace!

World Interfaith Harmony Week aims to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith and non-faith. It provides a platform, one week in the year, where people of every group can recognize their common values, build ties with each other, and work alongside one another to bring peace and harmony to their communities.

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Tasmania: November-December 2022

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Greetings of peace!

We hope everything is going peacefully for you, your families and your communities as we enter another season of holy days to end the old year (where did that year go?) and begin a new one full of possibilities.

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Tasmania: October 2022

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Greetings of peace!

As we move towards the end of the year, opportunities to work for peace in ourselves and in our communities seem to be presenting themselves on every hand. I’m reminded of the old piece of graffiti on an old warehouse in Bathurst St, which said ‘If not us, then who? If not here, then where? If not now, then when?’ It was put up there 30 years ago or more, but still echoes in my mind.

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Tasmania – September 2022

Tasmania – September 2022

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Greetings of peace and many good wishes for the month of September.

As an interfaith network, we join in the global commiserations on the death on 7 September of Queen Elizabeth as the titular head of the Church of England, a leader who embodied her faith.

September is also a special month because of the UN International Day of Peace coming up on 21 September 2022. There will be a special gathering to honour the Day of Peace.

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A new mosque in northern Tasmania is helping attract young professionals to the region

Israa Abdalla

Regional areas have long struggled to attract and retain professionals, especially those with culturally diverse backgrounds.

A new mosque in Launceston is encouraging Muslim migrants to lay down roots in the regions.

Australia’s Muslim population has almost doubled in the past decade.

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Tasmania – May 2022

Quakers in Melbourne

Greetings of peace and Happy Passover because today is the last day of Pesach.

Yesterday was Earth Day, but given the urgency of our global situation, let’s make every day Earth Day.

As the sign on the Quaker Meeting House in Melbourne says, ‘Killing the Planet is Against our Religions’… our religions do not allow the destruction of the earth’…

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Tasmania – April 2022

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We have entered the holy month of April in 2022 when all major faiths have special festivals as you will see below.

The month has come at a time of extraordinary conflict in the world and gives us an opportunity to pause and reflect on what peace means to us personally and in our faith traditions. This time is a blessed opportunity to make peace firstly within ourselves and then with all others as our faiths encourage us to do. If not us, as they say, then who?

Palm Sunday is also a time when refugees are remembered. The Melbourne Anglican community are going to make their Palm Sunday procession a reminder of the fate of refugees who have sought and are seeking asylum in Australia. But the support for this cause in Hobart is no less.

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