RfP Tasmania – June 2014

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Religions for Peace Tasmania will be celebrating World Environment Day in a variety of ways during June. There will not be our usual gathering on 10 June, the second Tuesday of the month, as the trip to Dolphin Sands will take the place of our meeting in Mather’s House (the 50 and Better Centre).

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RfP Tasmania, May 2014

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Religions for Peace Tasmania’s next interfaith gathering will be on Tuesday 13 May 2014 at 12.15 – 1.15pm at Mathers House (AKA 50 and Better Centre) Mathers Lane, off Bathurst St., Hobart. Our meeting will be in the CWL room. Note the later time – it’s to give the group before us a chance to close their meeting without having to rush.

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RfP Tasmania, April 2014

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Religions for Peace Tasmania gathering is normally held on the second Tuesday of the month; for April, this will instead be held on Easter Tuesday 22 April from 1.30-2.30pm

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RfP Tasmania, March 2014

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Religions for Peace Tasmania have had a few informal meetings this year, but this is the first formal meeting to be arranged. The gathering will be at the Catholic Women’s League Centre, Mather’s Lane, Hobart City on Tuesday 11 March from 12.00-1.00pm. We will have a Hindu speaker discussing the Bhagavad Gita. There will also be sharing of Gershon Goldstein’s recent seminars on the Torah which were held at Holy Trinity South Hobart and were very well attended.

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February – RfP Tasmania

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World Interfaith Harmony Week will be observed in Tasmania. Friday Forum at St David’s Cathedral examines why Australia as a nation offers refuge; Gershon Goldsteen conducts an introduction to the Jewish Scriptures and Catholic Earthcare calls for registrations for a sustainability retreat.

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Human Rights Week Interfaith Gathering

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Religions for Peace Tas Branch conducted an Interfaith Gathering for Human Rights Week for 2013. It was held at the Friends’ Meeting House on Sunday 1 December from 2.30-4.00pm. Guest Speaker was Sue Ennis, national secretary of Religions for Peace Australia who spoke on ‘Respecting Refugees’.

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January – Religions for Peace Tasmania

Religions for Peace Tasmania

Many faiths have been celebrating special festivals over the last few weeks – two Festivals of Lights at Diwali and Hannukah, the births of Baha’u’llah and Guru Nanak, Al-Hijira, Buddha’s enlightment, Christmas, the winter solstice and now a chance for us to begin again with renewed spirit as we commence our various New Years.

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Environmentally friendly Centre in high demand

Environmentally friendly Centre in high demand

Tasmania Baha'i Center of Learning

The distinctive building of the Bahá’í Centre of Learning for Tasmania is an increasingly popular hub for activities that build capacity for the social, material and spiritual advancement and transformation of Tasmanian society.

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December – Religions for Peace Tasmania

Religions for Peace Tasmania

Religions for Peace Tas Branch has been invited by the Human Rights Week Committee to organise the Interfaith Gathering for Human Rights Week for 2013. It will be held at the Friends’ Meeting House on Sunday 1 December from 2.30-4.00pm and will be entitled ‘Respecting Refugees’.

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September – Religions for Peace Tasmania

Religions for Peace Tasmania

The Religions for Peace (Tasmania Branch) gathering will be held from 12 noon to 1.00pm on Tuesday 8 October at the 50 and Better Centre, Bathurst St., Hobart.

Our guest speaker for this gathering will be Venerable Drolma, a Buddhist nun, who recently attended a retreat conducted by her mentor and well-known Australian Buddhist nun, Ven Robina Courtin.

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