The next Religions for Peace (Tas Branch) interfaith gathering will be a Silence Day on the UN International Day for Peace itself, 21 September.
The next Religions for Peace (Tas Branch) interfaith gathering will be a Silence Day on the UN International Day for Peace itself, 21 September. It will be co-sponsored by Religions for Peace and the Multifaith Chaplaincy Centre, Sandy Bay campus of the University of Tasmania, and it will be held at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave., Sandy Bay, from 10am-3.00pm.
We will NOT be holding our usual gathering at the 50 and Better Centre next Tuesday for September.
Feel welcome to come and join us at the UTAS Multifaith Centre on 21 September for all or part of the time. We’ll break for lunch from 12.15 – 12.45pm. If you feel inspired to bring a vegetarian lunch to share, we will be glad.
Thoughts of peace for the world shared in an interfaith gathering have a special power.
If you have any queries about the event, ring Terry on 6272 6521.
Download a Flyer for Silence Day
Visit to Emmaeus Monastery
RfP members were thinking we might be able to visit the Emmaeus monastery this month, however, the election and the Silence Day have persuaded us to visit in November, instead. We have been advised: We are in the process of getting the initial buildings assembled. That means we’re still some way from the mudbrick making stage. But you might like to just come and see the place. And if you know anyone who has expertise in mudbrick construction, bring them along. Or, indeed, any related expertise — e.g. how to make an earthen floor, how to build a rocket stove heater, etc.
We are going to Italy for a month in October to stay with our community at Bose. When we return in November, we plan to have every Saturday an open day for people to just turn up and help in the work.
Interfaith Peace School.
Rosemary in the North-East, who has been invited to present two sessions at an international Peace Conference in India, writes:
I am definitely off to India, via Bangladesh, in just over 2 weeks (about now!). The Interfaith Peace School (as they’ve called it) is definitely happening in northeast India. I still haven’t finalised arrangements (some of them not for lack of trying!), let alone finished working out the 2 sessions they’ve requested of me … I’ll be the only non-Indian at the peace school; they want to hear a global perspective, so I’m planning to talk about what I’ve experienced and learnt from Quakers, Parliament of the World’s Religions and Pause for Peace, Moral Re-Armament, Girl Guides perhaps. The whole programme looks rather academic, with no scheduled spots for common prayer, although there is 1.5 hours for reflection and sharing before dinner each day, which I hope will include that. So I’m trying to make my sessions as interactive as possible…..
Compassion Games
Jon Ramer is an American entrepreneur, civic leader, inventor, musician, and the designer and co-founder of Compassionate Action Network International, a 501(c)(3) organization based in Seattle, that led the effort to make the city the first in the world to affirm Karen Armstrong’s Charter for Compassion. Most recently, Ramer conceived of and produced the “Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest” in response to a challenge from the mayor of Louisville to other cities to outdo Louisville’s compassionate action as measured by hours of community service. Ramer also serves as Director and Chief Technology Officer at Four Worlds International Institute, with a focus on the Campaign To Protect the Sacred. The campaign birthed the International Treaty to Protect the Sacred from Tar Sands Projects, signed by over fifty different tribes throughout North America. Ramer is also the songwriter and lead guitarist in the band Once And For All.
This September 11 through 21st (International Day of Peace), communities and cities are competing together again for 10 days of “Coop-etition” through the 2nd annual Compassion Games.
Compassion Games Director Jon Ramer will be joining us over a webinar special to the Parliament of the World’s Religions to introduce interfaith leaders to this year’s challenge through the principles of the Charter for Compassion. As cities vie to become “Compassionate Cities,” everyone wins.
Participants will learn about the Compassion Games, becoming “first followers”, the scoring process, how to receive points for kind actiions on the worldwide compassion map through planned projects or secret missions, and why “Coop-etition” is a proven strategy to reach a tipping point when creating movements. Many will discover that projects already ongoing may jumpstart their score, and what collective impact from the Interfaith community can do to transform cities and their government leaders by joining the games.
More on the Compassion Games on Facebook
Compassion Games Opening Ceremony – Facebook
International Day of Peace via Culture of Peace Initiative
From Jenny:
Dear Friends of Peace,
This is an initiative for International Day of Peace: September 21st. The best way to get a better understanding, is to watch the short Youtube video; inspiring!
This project is so inspiring…
Help celebrate Peace Day, September 21.
Write a poem on a square piece of paper,
fold it into an origami crane,
then place it in your community or
exchange it with another person somewhere in the world.
Send a photo of your placed crane to: We will upload it to our google map, which lists all the peace cranes placed around the world.
Please visit:
Barnaby Smith: Woodcuts and Light – an exhibition of Japanese woodblock prints.
Woodcuts and Light, Bahá’í Centre of Learning, 1 Tasman Highway, Hobart 1-29 September 2013
The artist will provide a demonstration of Japanese woodblock printing technique at the Centre on Sunday 22 Sept 1 to 4 pm (no RSVP required)
Contact Phone: 0418 659 965
or Curator: 0429 631 534
Barnaby Smith lives and works in Hobart. An avid artist from childhood, he took a year off from work in 1994 to pursue his interest and started a BA Visual Arts at Canberra School of Art, ANU majoring in printmaking and studying under the late Joerg Schmeisser, intaglio master and Head of the Printmaking workshop. In 1996 Joerg encouraged Barnaby to participate in an academic exchange program at Kyoto Seika University, Japan. It was there that he studied Japanese woodblock print and paper making techniques with master printmaker Kurasaki Akira Sensei.
Returning to Australia, Barnaby continued Japanese woodblock techniques as his chosen form for the completion of his degree in 1998 producing a body of large-scale atmospheric works followed in 1999 by solo exhibitions in Canberra and Melbourne of series of va
riations entitled Spiritual Soft-drive.
In furthering his practice and understanding of this subtle form, Barnaby has sought to apply the possibilities of the Japanese woodblock to scenes from the landscape of South Eastern Australia. Images from a road trip, between Canberra and Gawler , SA via the Great Ocean Road and the Hay Plain, formed the basis for a series of works exhibited in a Group Exhibition Viewfinder in Canberra in 2000.
Barnaby’s works have as a starting point a set of multiple carved woodblocks which register together to form an image when printed using a hand held baren on Chinese or Japanese mulberry fiber papers. A number of the images can be combined together and extended to form series of diptychs or triptychs. Each of the prints of the images is a unique state. In the process of printing the blocks the artist varies the application of pigments (watercolour), binders, water content and brushwork to produce a constantly evolving set of variations on the original image. This is essentially a process of responding to the “moment” of the materials and the emerging image.
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Religions for Peace Tasmania