Religions for Peace Tas Branch has been invited by the Human Rights Week Committee to organise the Interfaith Gathering for Human Rights Week for 2013. It will be held at the Friends’ Meeting House on Sunday 1 December from 2.30-4.00pm and will be entitled ‘Respecting Refugees’.
Respecting Refugees
We are lucky in that Sue Ennis, the National Secretary of Religions for Peace Australian (and Victorian Branch), who completed her doctorate on the faith experiences of refugees, is coming over from Melbourne to be our keynote speaker. Mary from the Documentary, ‘Mary Meets Mohammad‘ will also be with us to share her experiences, as will Heetham Hekmat from Iraq. Rev Dr Bob Faser from UCA, who together with Pym Trueman, originally set RfP up in Tasmania, will MC the gathering for us. We’re also very lucky that Sisongke can come to join us this year, to share the beauty of their music!!
A number of representatives from the faith traditions will share prayers for the wellbeing of refugees around the world, including Kris Schaffer, Ven Thay Thong Phap, Rev Kaye Paice, Dr Drazko Dizdar, Rajdeep Singh and Pym Trueman.
There will not be another meeting in December and our next meeting will be at the beginning of February for UN International Interfaith Harmony Week 2014.
9th World Assembly – Religions for Peace
News about the Ninth World Assembly of Religions for Peace entitled ‘Welcoming the Other: a Multi-Religious Vision of Peace’. Prof Des Cahill, whom many of you have met went to represent Australia, as did Mr and Mrs Lacey from Sydney and Ven Sujata from Perth. News can be found at … It’s well worth a look!
Christmas Bowl
Christmas Bowl: The launch of the 2013 Act for Peace Christmas Bowl appeal in Tasmania will be held on Wednesday, 27th November, at 12:00 p.m, in the Cathedral Close (facing Macquarie Street) on the grounds of St. David’s Cathedral. Participants in the launch will include Jeff Gray, the Act for Peace Development Officer for Victoria and Tasmania, and Julie Marsaban, a long-term worker and trainer in the field of Maternal and child health (originally from Indonesia, now living in Hobart).
While there will be no northern Christmas Bowl launch this year, there will be a public Christmas Bowl collection in the Brisbane Street Mall in Launceston on Thursday and Friday, 19th-20th December (10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday). If you are in the North and able to provide assistance, please contact Andrea Bartley at the Uniting Church presbytery office on 6331-9784 or e-mail or phone 0418-307-449.
Journaling Prayer
Journaling Prayer retreat: Fr Ray Sanchez will be running a two day live in retreat at Maryknoll House of Prayer on May 31st – June 1st 2014. This is the most precious gift you can give yourself. Journaling prayer is a process and resource to help you reach a psychologically and spiritually healthy you. Availability is limited to 20 people so if you wish to enquire about attending please phone Anne Sherston on 0407704539 or email
Emmaus Visit
We recently visited the Emmaus monastery at Rhyndaston, a very beautiful spiritual oasis. I’ve attached a copy of their recent newsletter. Visitors and hardworking helpers are welcomed every Saturday during summer or on the first Saturday during winter.
Religions for Peace Tasmania