Religions for Peace Tasmania gathering is normally held on the second Tuesday of the month; for April, this will instead be held on Easter Tuesday 22 April from 1.30-2.30pm
Honouring Water
After our recent gathering to honour Earth, we will honour water at Carlton Beach. We will meet at the house of shaman Cheryl Maddock.
Water plays such a significant role in our lives and consequently in our faith traditions and we look forward to spending time together recognising and sharing prayers and meditations in gratitude for water.
If you would like to come, could you contact me so I can let you know Cheryl’s address or organise a car share? Feel welcome to bring a snack to share for afternoon tea.
Annual AGM – Religions for Peace
The national Religions for Peace AGM will be held in Canberra this year on May 4. This denotes a change of venue. Up to now all the national RfP AGMs have been held in Melbourne. However, the intention is to make it easier for wider interstate involvment in the proceedings. If you would like further details, contact Terri. You can read more on the footer of the Religions for Peace Website.
Baha’i Community
The Baha’i Community can promise you a lovely afternoon tomorrow at 3pm as we again host our FREE Community Event “Soul Food” The theme for this event is ‘A Time for Renewal’ challenging us to be what we are and to become what we are capable of becoming.
The music for this event is the great Alan Welsh who promises to charm you with beautiful music such as “El Noi de la Marc, El Coral de Ora and more presented by guitar.
As you are aware, this event is open to all, so bring your friends and enjoy.
Australian Religious Response to Climate Change:
There is a very lively account of recent ARRCC events at:
Disarmament for Development: call to faith-based organisations
Faith-based organisations are invited to join the Disarmament for Sustainable Development Campaign. The main aim of this initiative is to press for an end to the over-funding of military establishments and for the creation of new funds to tackle human insecurity and common threats to the planet. Fr. Paul Lansu has written a background document which can be used for further action within the religious communities.
Global Day of Action on Military Spending
Pax Christi International supports the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) initiative. The 4th edition of GDAMS is scheduled for 14 April 2014 and it will feature different themes and activities in accordance with domestic political circumstances. To learn how you can get involved:
Rekindling the Fire of Devotion
Tasmanian Winter Heart Warming
3 day Residential Dance Retreat
6th June – 9th June 2014
This weekend affords us the time and space to warm our hearts and souls at the fireside of devotion, allow ourselves to surrender to the power of the dance, harmonise with the beauty of the earth, and be embraced by the sweetness of community. We immerse ourselves in the circle of unity created, by honouring and respecting the diversity of all beings upon this earth, through singing, dancing, praying and feasting together in oneness.
More information on the Dances of Universal Peace Website:
Download a flyer for this retreat.
Gyoto Monks creating Sand Mandala, Hobart
In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmannia Branch
6272 6521
Religions for Peace Tasmania