January – Religions for Peace Tasmania

Religions for Peace Tasmania

Many faiths have been celebrating special festivals over the last few weeks – two Festivals of Lights at Diwali and Hannukah, the births of Baha’u’llah and Guru Nanak, Al-Hijira, Buddha’s enlightment, Christmas, the winter solstice and now a chance for us to begin again with renewed spirit as we commence our various New Years.

Greetings of peace to all of you at this special time!

We have a special gathering to start the Religions for Peace Tas Branch events for 2014. We will meet at the site of the Old Springs Hotel on Mount Wellington on Tuesday 7 January at 2.00pm for some Dances of Universal Peace. Prof. Moises Parioana, a Physicist, Mathematician and Engineer, who, among other disciplines, practises Tantra and Hatha Yoga, has offered to lead us in the dances.

It will be a wonderful way for us to meet and welcome Prof. Parioana to Tasmania and to welcome the New Year, 2014.

Out of the Ashes

Out of the ashes, an exhibition of photographs and artworks inspired by the Dunalley fires of 4 January 2013, will be at the Foreshore Cafe on the anniversary of the bushfires and for some time afterwards. The exhibition demonstrates the resilience and recovery of the community and the environment after the devastation of the fires. Some of Kris’ works are in the exhibition.

Epiphany Monastery

On Saturday the 4 January, 2014, you are invited to come and celebrate with us Epiphany monastery’s second anniversary and the blessing of its new buildings “the shed and the barn” (i.e. future accommodation and oratory/chapel).

Since we can’t be sure of how many we will be, we ask you to bring a plate to share for a picnic lunch, something to sit on, sun protection and (if you’re keen to do some work (which there is always plenty of!) some work clothes (gloves, overalls, hats, etc).

We’ll start around noon with some time of prayer and a blessing of the new buildings; then have lunch, and maybe do some work in the afternoon. Hope to see you there – and feel free to bring friends along.

A reminder that Epiphany Monastery has regular open days for visitors and hardworking volunteers every Saturday in Summer and the first Saturday of every month in Winter. Contact Drasko on emmaus@y7mail.com for details.

Choose to Be Calm

Choose to be Calm, a four week program in Positive Thinking, including an introduction to a simple from of meditation, will run on 4, 11, 18 and 25 January from 10.00-11.00am at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 51 Risdon Rd (Cnr Bell St) New Town. Bookings: Phone Helen on 6244 8362.

Art Exhibition at Moonah

Maxine will be having another exhibition (the theme is My Place) at Cafe Magnolia, 73 Main Road Moonah (opp. Harris Scarfe) runs to 30 January, although the cafe will be closed for Christmas/New Year. The opening times are Monday-Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm.

UN International Interfaith Harmony Day

A group of us have been thinking that we would like to celebrate UN International Interfaith Harmony Day on Saturday 1 February as the start of a series of prayer/meditations in spiritual harmony with one another and with the elements. Our aim throughout the year is to express prayerful and meditative appreciation for the elements of nature: earth, water, fire, air and ether. We will start at Kris’ magical indigenous garden at Neika, in an attitude of gratitude to earth. More details are to follow.

Aspects of the Torah

Seminars on aspects of the Torah by Gershon Goldsteen’s seminars are going to be held in the Hawker Centre of All Saints Church, South Hobart, on Sundays, 16th and 23rd February next year. A flyer will be sent out sometime during January with all the details and will be included in the RfP newsletter for February.

Faith and Ecology Network

Some of you may be interested in knowing about the Faith and Ecology Network (FEN), which is a national interfaith ecology group, but mainly has NSW members at the moment. They would love more members from other states. The focus is on the connection between faith and the environment. It is an email group and members share articles and news and occasionally organise an event eg prayers for a cause or a forum. Their website is http://faithecology.net.au/.

The Triumph Movie in Select Canadian Theatres

A powerful new documentary film that investigates one of the world’s greatest modern-day mysteries, the visitations of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje – a real-life prophesy unfolding today. A movie that gives hope and builds faith. Audience reaction: “Simply amazing” “Awesome documentary” “Very inspirational” “Extremely moving” “Riveting…very powerful” “Spiritually uplifting” “Life changing” “Brought me to tears” Website: www.thetriumph.net

Interfaith Dialogue Conference, May 2014

International Theological Conference: Interfaith Dialogue

Paths to Dialogue in our Age
Monday 26 – Thursday 29 May 2014
Australian Catholic University, Melbourne Campus

In our age, when day by day humanity is being drawn closer together, and the ties between different peoples are becoming stronger, the adherents of the world’s religions are examining what they have in common and what draws them to fellowship. Through the praxis of interfaith dialogue some headway has already been made on this path to peace, understanding and collaboration.

Download a Flyer for this event.

Dances Of Universal Peace Weekend

Come join us in a weekend of Dances of Universal Peace with senior mentor Anahata Iradah who has conducted retreats for the past 21 years all over the world. Be welcomed into the circle which affirms life through the singing of sacred phrases from the spiritual traditions of the earth in the tradition of the Dances of Universal Peace. All dances fully taught, no experience necessary.

What: Living In The Moment Dancing From The Heart

When:14th – 16th Feb 2014

Where: Fri 14th Feb – Friends Meeting house at 7.00 pm 395 Argyle St North Hobart

Where: Sat 15th – Sun 16th Feb – Sirens 10am – 5.30pm, Upstairs 6 Victoria St Hobart

Cost: Cost: Fri night: $15 Full Weekend: Fri – Sun $165

More information: Nicola 03 6239 3499, 0400 051 963

Download a flyer for this event.

In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmannia Branch
6272 6521

Religions for Peace Tasmania

Religions for Peace Tasmania