Australia: Pope Welcomes Governor General

Pope Francis on June 25, 2018, received in audience in the Apostolic Palace the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia, General Sir Peter Cosgrove, who subsequently met with Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, accompanied by Archbishop Paul R. Gallagher, secretary for Relations with States.

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Canberra: PM invites youth for Eid celebrations

The Prime Minister, Mr Malcolm Turnbull MP held a multi-faith Eid morning tea celebration, inviting 14 young people to the Parliament House in Canberra on Monday 18 June 2018. The event was organised by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and led by Mr Ridwaan Jadwat, Ambassador Designate to Saudi Arabia.

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ACT Government agrees to all recommendations from child sex abuse royal commission

ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr has praised the bravery of child sexual abuse survivors for sparking sweeping protections for children through the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The ACT Government has officially adopted 290 recommendations from the royal commission, including creating a criminal offence for not reporting allegations revealed during confession.

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Tasmania: June/July 2018

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace!

This month Religions for Peace Australia will be holding our AGM in Canberra on 25 June, from 9.15-10.30am and our national Annual Gathering in the same place from 11am-4.00pm. As part of the Gathering, Dr Brian Adams of the Griffith University Intercultural and Interfaith Centre will give a presentation on the Interfaith Forums he organised at the G20 and Commonwealth Games. We are hoping to be able to hold a hub in Hobart to join in the meeting by Zoom

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National Apology for Child Sexual Abuse Announced

The Prime Minister of Australia will deliver a national apology to victims of institutional child sex abuse on October 22nd, which marks the commencement of National Child Week. The Prime Minister says the government has accepted 104 of the 122 recommendations from the child sex abuse royal commission.

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