Greetings of peace!
This month Religions for Peace Australia will be holding our AGM in Canberra on 25 June, from 9.15-10.30am and our national Annual Gathering in the same place from 11am-4.00pm. As part of the Gathering, Dr Brian Adams of the Griffith University Intercultural and Interfaith Centre will give a presentation on the Interfaith Forums he organised at the G20 and Commonwealth Games. We are hoping to be able to hold a hub in Hobart to join in the meeting by Zoom
Greetings of peace!
On Sunday 1 July at 1.00pm the Tasmanian Branch of RfP will hold a gathering we’re calling Meditators without Borders in Kris’ beautiful garden, 94 Morphets Rd, Neika, offering the meditations from our different traditions towards our own inner peace and for peace in the world. The two concepts are intimately connected.
If you would like to join us, but need transport, please let me know. 0438 069 728, Terry Sussmilch
Festival Days in June/July
15 June-17 June Eid ul Fitr (Islam) (Festival that completes the month of Ramadan)
16 June Martyrdom of Guru Arjun Dev Ji (Sikhism)
21 June Mid-winter and UN International Day of Yoga
10 July Martyrdom of the Bab (Baha’i)
22 July Tisha B’av (Judaism) (A day of mourning to remember events such as the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem)
27 July Ashala Puja/Dharma Day (Buddhism) (Commemorates Buddha’s first teaching, The Wheel of Dharma)
The Tasmanian Muslim Association (TMA) and Tasmania University Union Muslim Society (TUUMS) have the pleasure to cordially invite you to our Multicultural Eid Festival 2018 along with your family and friends.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, 16th June 2018
Time: 5.30 pm – 8:30 pm
Venue: UTAS Refectory, TUU, University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay
Enquiries: 0421413327,
This is the first time TMA and TUUMS have jointly organised a Multicultural Eid Festival in Hobart, which will comprise of a small cultural function followed by a dinner. In addition to these there will be a lot of children’s fun activities and some traditional snacks and foods, hena etc. in the event.
We would be most honoured by your attendance.
Hobart Zen:
A talk for newcomers to Zen with Doko-san, Abbot and Head Teacher at Dochu-an Zen Temple
Come along and learn the basics of Zen practice from master Doko-san.
The talk will be held on Thursday 28 June 2018, 6.30-8.00pm at Hara Studio, 25 Weld St, South Hobart. Admission by donation. Enquiries: Maddy 0408 257 751 or
Sacred Conversations:
Sacred Conversations is an interfaith outreach and dialogue group which meets on the last Saturday of every month at the Multifaith Centre on the Sandy Bay campus of UTAS. Our next meeting is on the 30th of June at 2pm. All visitors are most welcome! Please come and share your faith with us. Enquiries: Julian McGarry 0401673016 or
I look forward to meeting you.
Soul Food
Date: Sunday 1st of July, 3 pm to 4pm
Venue: Baha’i Centre of Learning, 1 Tasman Highway, Hobart.
The theme for this program will be “No Man is an Island”. This program is dedicated to United Nations “International Day of Tolerance” and recognizes the fact that we are all dependent on each other: The welfare of one is the welfare of all.
As always we do our best to provide a thought provoking relaxing pleasant program for all, so please join us at the Baha’i Centre of Learning, 1 Brooker Ave, Hobart. Refreshments served. For more information call Val 0404 080 768. For more, see</p>
Chagtong Chentong Buddhist Centre:
His Holiness Dalai Lama’s 83rd birthday celebration (also marking 60 years of Tibetan exile) will be held at Kickstart Arts Centre, St Johns Avenue, New Town on Sunday 8th July from 2pm to 5pm.
The celebration will include a Tibet-related film to be shown from 3.30-4.30pm.
Entry by donation.
If you require more information please email:
Sikh Community:
There will be a continuous recital over three days of the Sikh sacred scripture, Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 9-11 July, at 50 Begonia St Lindisfarne.
All are very welcome. Both male and females in attendance wear head coverings.
Also relevant:
From Swami Parmananda:
Be Happy Swami is coming to bring wisdom with laughter
Yo Veda INC., Australia presents free public talks by H H Swami Anubhavananda Saraswati.
Swami Anubhavananda, an ascetic who puts smiles on people’s faces, will be in Melbourne from Monday, 16th July to Sunday to 29th July 2018 and in Sydney from Monday, 6th August to Tuesday, 14th August 2018.
Swami Anubhavananda, truly, the name echoes his being. He is the Experience of Happiness. Happiness which spreads like a divine breeze amongst all who have come in contact with him.
You can see Be Happy Swami’s videos and collateral accessible via the links below.
Please feel free to contact us via email at or by phone 0410 698 650
Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre
BK Shivani, a Raja Yoga Meditation Teacher, will be visiting Hobart on 16 August 2018 and giving a public talk at a venue to be advised.
Sister Shivani is very well known in India and throughout the world for her TV series Awakening with Brahma Kumaris. She has a special gift of being able to bring spiritual guidance to people in their practical lives.
Enquiries: 6278 3788 or
Society of Friends (Quakers)
We would like to let you know about our next Retreat Day, which is on Saturday 18 August 2018 at the Quaker Meeting House in North Hobart (enter either by Argyle Street through the carpark or from Boa Vista Road).
Please contact Kerstin Reimers on (03) 6228 4890 or Maggi Storr on (03) 6278 9838 if you have any queries.
You are welcome to pass the information on to anyone you know who may like to join us for a day of retreat.
We look forward to opening ourselves to the gift of time with God, our inner selves and each other in the precious spaciousness of silence. We hope you can join us.
Tasmanian Peace Trust:
Save the date
The 2018 Annual Peace Trust Lecture entitled Australia’s Unnecessary Wars will be given by Prof Henry Reynolds on Wednesday October 24 at 5.30 for 6.00pm at the Friends Meeting House, 5 Boa Vista Rd., North Hobart.
Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre:
Quarterly Newsletter, containing news that Spiritual Director Zasep Tulku Ringpoche is coming to Tasmania in January 2019 and will be offering a retreat at Dorje Ling, Lorinna: refers.
“1 Day Interfaith FESTIVAL”
Save the Date!
I am delighted to inform you about a major interfaith event to be held in Hobart on Saturday the 23rd February 2019 at the Hobart Town Hall.
With the title “1 DAY”, this interfaith outreach festival will be a celebration of the diversity and richness of the world’s faith traditions while promoting the essential oneness of the human need for transcendence.
It will honour and elevate the perennial values that permeate the faith traditions: grace, kindness, patience, truth, beauty, goodwill, enlightenment, humility, devotion, compassion, wisdom, and love.
It will promote the importance of spiritual practices that uplift the human psyche or soul to a place where these values and virtues become integrated into our lives.
I am inviting representatives from all faith traditions to attend and participate in this significant multifaith celebration. Feel free to contact me for further information.
Peace and love,
Julian McGarry Enquiries: 0401673016
70 Years of Israel
As Israel marks 70 years since the foundation of the state of Israel, two Jewish thinkers look at the changes the country has undertaken. for more reading.
Australia’s Peacekeepers
Geraldine Doogue writes, “It’s not glamorous, but Australia should celebrate its peacekeepers“. Read more on the ABC Website:
Greener Attica
From 5-8 June, theologians, scientists, political and business leaders, as well as activists and journalists from around the world are convening in Greece for an international ecological symposium sponsored by the Ecumenical Patriarchate entitled “TOWARD A GREENER ATTICA: Preserving the Planet and Protecting its People.”
At the US-Canada Border:
The zealous airport security screening of a Canadian government minister wearing a turban last year led Ottawa to file a diplomatic protest with Washington, his office said Thursday.
Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Navdeep Bains is a devout Sikh.
Walk Gently on Earth
Much transformation is coming via spiritual activities: there is a global impetus toward “Living the Change”, in part fruit of the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP) Climate Change Conferences and the Interfaith Declarations on Climate Change. The COP23 Multifaith Invitation to Sustainable Lifestyles signed by Faith Leaders can be found here !
In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521
Religions for Peace Tasmania