Darebin Interfaith Council Committee

City of DarebinDarebin Council is seeking expressions of interest from community members (including anyone who lives, work or studies in Darebin) who would like to join one of Darebin’s community advisory committees – the Darebin Interfaith Council Committee. Applications from suitably experienced persons are open until August 25, 2021.

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NSW: Hindu priests can go perform tervi (13th day memorial) at clients home in NSW during lockdown

Hindu funeral rites With regard to funerals and lockdowns in NSW (and other states), Hinduism has a 13th day memorial conducted in the home. Enquiries with Health Department indicates that Hindu priests can go to the homes to perform the obsequies.

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Victoria: Dropping Lord’s Prayer would help State Parliament better reflect diversity

Parliament of VictoriaThe Lord’s Prayer has been a regular fixture in the Victorian Parliament since the early part of last century. It has been recited at the start of each sitting day since 1918. The prayer, which begins with the line, “Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name,” is considered central to the Christian faith and is said across most Christian denominations with some small variations in wording.

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Webinar – Behind the Altar – Understanding how we change the story in faith-based settings

Domestic Violence Resource Centre VictoriaWe (Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria) would like to invite prevention practitioners and anyone interested in preventing violence against women in a faith context to join us for a one hour webinar to share the findings of an evaluation of Anglican Diocese of Melbourne’s Preventing Violence Against Women (PVAW) Program. This webinar will provide learnings and practice examples for preventing violence in a faith setting.

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South Australia: Why Faith?

Women’s Auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of AustraliaThe Women’s Auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia conducted an interfaith webinar, “Why Faith?” on 24th of July 2021. Vice chair of Religions for Peace Australia and President of the Multifaith Association of South Australia – Ms Philippa Rowland – participated in this event. Her contribution includes the interconnectedness of all things, the care of the Earth and the need to help guide our global family in the right direction.

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Tasmania – July/August 2021

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace! We hope that all of your families and friends here and overseas are well and safe as the world battles with COVID and all its variants.  We continue to hold everyone in our thoughts and prayers… especially at such a time people of faith hold on to the light of spiritual hope, knowing that compassion and lovingkindness can be a powerful means of helping one another through all these difficulties.

In August, we commemorate Hiroshima Day and Religions for Peace Tasmania will join the gathering to be held at 11-12noon on 7 August on Parliament House Lawns in Hobart.

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Outback Muslims say they are ‘blessed’ to celebrate Eid al-Adha festivities during pandemic

Alice Springs MosqueMuslims across Australia haven’t been able to celebrate Eid Al Adha as usual this year, but festivities in Central Australia are in full swing. Eid al-Adha is one of the holy days in the Islamic calendar. Alice Springs’ Afghan Mosque is a safe space for the diverse, but relatively small Muslim community.

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Letter to Prime Minister from Interfaith Leaders – Three Matters of Concern

Religions for Peace Australia

Religions for Peace Australia resolved at the recent Annual General Meeting on Sunday 6th June 2021, to write to the Prime Minister. One of our RfPA network roles is to assist with multi/intra-faith matters and social cohesion across the nation. In this regard, we raise three matters with the Prime Minister: Bringing Australians Home, the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout and Financial Support during Future Lockdowns.

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ACT: Blackfriars Lecture, Closing the Gap and Aboriginal Health

ACU Blackfriars logoOn 20 July from 5:45 – 7pm, the Blackfriars lecture will address Closing the gap through Indigenous health initiatives by Mr Craig Ritchie, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. Event is free, RSVP by email. The lecture title is Homer among the Health Workers: metis, culture and closing the gap, a personal reflection.

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