South Australia: Interfaith Forum ~ Rites of Passage

The August session of Hope’s Cafe will take place on Friday evening 6 August, and Saturday, 7 August 2021, focussing on the life journey and rites of passage.

Advance Notice for Interfaith Forum: Rites of Passage (starting date 6 & 7 August)
Our Interfaith forum will change tack and concentrate on our life journey, as expressed within some phases of life and exploration and insights around birth, childhood, identity, transition and death, on an interactive and inclusive basis, with story-telling; song, poetry and panel discussions.

Our first initiative: Symposium ‘Until death us do part’. This event will take place over 2 dates Friday evening and Saturday morning:

Friday evening, at 6 pm at 6 August at Hope’s café, 243 The Parade, Beulah Park with Liam Grant, story teller, actor and poet to lead an evening on myth-telling; story telling and an open mic event. The evening will finish around 8ish, with a singing group – Adelaide Threshold Singers, who sings to the dying, in lullaby-like songs (short, repeated, words of love to ease the journey) and a meditation.
A simple meal in the form of soup and bread, with a cuppa and cake will be included.
Cost of the evening (to include the meal and appreciation of hospitality)
Please RSVP to Liellie McLaughlin asap in order to regulate numbers according to Covid safe practices and for catering purposes.

Saturday morning 7 August, from 10 – 2 ish, including a meal. Address = Hope’s café, 243 The Parade, Beulah Park.
This event will include a panel discussion from different faith traditions and small group discussions, meditation and group-work and meal, cooked by Gulala, our beloved Kurdish chef Gulala.
Cost: $ 20 to assist the chef, a gold coin donation to recognise the hospitality at Hopes, and some towards recognising the grace of the presenters will be appreciated.
Please RSVP to Liellie McLaughlin asap in order to regulate numbers according to Covid safe practices and for catering purposes ( / 0437794410)
Final date for RSVP: 3 August.

Note: The Interfaith Dialogue associated with this event will now take place on 25 August. See flyer below.

This is a Community Connections initiative, in recognition and gratitude of the work and support of the Interfaith Forum steering committee.


Download a Flyer for this event