Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws: Consultation Paper (2023)

Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws: Consultation Paper (2023)
On 4 November 2022, Commonwealth Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus MP KC, asked the Australian Law Reform Commission to recommend reforms to the law to implement the Government’s policy commitments in this area in a way that is consistent with Australia’s international legal obligations.

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Faith Communities Sharing Preventing Family Violence – Second Session

RfPA Green LogoReligions for Peace Australia invites people of faith in Australia involved in working with or thinking of working with faith communities/ faith leaders on the prevention of family violence to our second informal Zoom gathering to be held online on Friday 10th of March 2023. This event is held in concert with International Women’s Day.

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South Australia: Uluru Statement from the Heart: Voice – Treaty – Truth

 Uluru Statement from the Heart: Voice – Treaty – Truth

Churches Together South Australia is coordinating an ecumenical event, for all people across Churches in South Australia and wider communities. It will be a time for learning more, and asking questions or raising concerns, with two key Aboriginal Elders. Two Sessions will be held at West Adelaide Uniting Church on Wednesday, 15 February 2023.

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2022 ACU Parliamentary Interfaith Breakfast

Parliamentary Interfaith Breakfast - Ashley MidaliaSince 2014, Australian Catholic University has hosted six parliamentary interfaith breakfasts, bringing together parliamentarians and the leaders of many faith communities in a spirit of mutual respect and dialogue. The most recent breakfast was held on 24 November 2022 at the National Press Club in Canberra and featured addresses from the federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus and renowned journalist Stan Grant.

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Wisdom for the common good as regards 26 January and an ‘Australia Day’

UluruBishop Philip Huggins is Director, Centre for Ecumenical Studies, Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, Canberra. Here, Bishop Huggins writes reflections on multifaith activity, the multicultural nature of our nation, and the wisdom for the common good which may well prevail in resolving conflict about 26 January and when we might celebrate who we are as a nation, going forward together.

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Religions for Peace Australia: Year in Review

World Conference of Religion and PeaceYear 2022 saw relaxation of the pandemic restrictions, and the emergence of conflict in Ukraine. There was a strong response from religious leaders in Australia. Living the Change, taking care of the environment and sharing faith community responses to domestic violence were activities that Religions for Peace Australia took up during Year 2022.

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