Darwin: Multifaith Ceremony

Darwin: Multifaith CeremonyA Multi-faith Ceremony was held in Darwin on 26 Jan 2023 as part of the Australia Day celebrations organised by Multicultural Council of the Northern Terriotory and Australia Day Council NT.

A Multi-faith Ceremony was held in Darwin on 26 Jan 2023 as part of the Australia Day celebrations organised by Multicultural Council of the NT and Australia Day Council NT. Dr Edwin Joseph, NT Convener of Religions for Peace Australia, facilitated the ceremony.

The ceremony had representatives from eight faiths (Catholics, Protestants, Bahai, Brahma Kumaris, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim and Sikh), including the Most Rev Charles Gauci, the Catholic Bishop of Darwin. Each faith contributed in their own way, e.g., recital from their Holy Book, chanting a prayer, meditation, blessing, etc.


Darwin: Multifaith Ceremony - Australia Day


Darwin: Multifaith Ceremony - Australia Day


Darwin: Multifaith Ceremony - Australia Day