Harmony in the Home

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Religions for Peace Australia has a mission statement. In that statement is the task to work through its networks for the well-being of vulnerable groups, including women and young people, and the well-being of the environment. In light of the current environment that is against the peace and well-being of women, Religions for Peace Australia gives one address toward the needs of our nation, this day, this age. We begin with Gandhi:

Where there is righteousness in the heart, There will be beauty in character;
Where there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home;
Where there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation;
Where there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. (M.K. Gandhi)

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Forced marriage: a violation of human rights

Forced marriage: a violation of human rightsAccording to the Exodus Road, a non-profit organization that works on fighting modern-day slavery, as of 2022, 650 million girls and women are being forced to marry. Within this dynamic, there is a continuum of coercion ranging from physical violence to psychosocial pressure. It’s a marriage where at least one is married without consent, against their will or is not able to exit the marriage.

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