Religions for Peace Australia 2024 Annual General Meeting

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Religions for Peace Australia will conduct the 2024 Annual General Meeting in Canberra on Wednesday 12 June 2024. The Guest Speaker is Ms Anthea Hancocks of the Scanlon Foundation. The Scanlon Foundation partners with Monash University to deliver the annual Social Cohesion survey results. Ms Anthea Hancocks will give an address on Social Cohesion and Faith Communities.

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The importance of allyship in responding to targeted violence and discrimination

Nicole AsquithAt the Annual General Meeting of Religions for Peace Australia (18 June 2023), Professor Nicole Asquith of the University of Tasmania gave one talk on the importance of allyship in responding to targeted violence and discrimination. This talk gave an overview about targeted violence in Australia, and then focus on the importance of allyship in responding to hate, prejudice and violence.

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