Tasmania: March 2018

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Greetings of peace!

Happy UN International Women’s Day! Spare a thought for all the contributions given to the faith traditions by women and for the safety of women everywhere. It was not so long ago that the UN statistics showed that soldiers in a theatre of war were safer than ordinary women in their own houses and neighbourhoods around the world.

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Tasmania, May 2016

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The sacred festival days continue as we move from April to May. While the eight day festival of Pesach or Passover is often close in time to ‘Western’ Easter, this year, Pesach does not begin till 23 April and ends on 30 April. The Eastern Rite, or Orthodox, Easter Sunday is 1 May 2016.

The Religions for Peace events for May will include participating in the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change and we will be hosting a gathering for Tasmanians for Reconciliation towards the end of May.

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