Victoria: Sacred Expressions of the Human Spirit

The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne invites you to Sacred Expressions of the Human Spirit, at St Michael’s Church, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne, on Sunday 20 November, commencing at 4pm. This concert brings together Australia’s First Nations Didgeridoo master alongside some of Australia’s leading sacred music practitioners.

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Colonial Bondage: Liberating Theological Education

Professor Anne Pattel-Gray

The University of Divinity presents the Professorial Lecture of Professor Anne Pattel-Gray who will share her insights into Australia’s First Nations religious and spiritual beliefs and practices that form the core of her theology.

She will explain how we are all held captive by our colonial heritage and that our theological education and institutions require liberation in order to be set free.

She will further explain the process to decolonise biblical and theological narratives and challenge Christians to become the radical change that is so desperately needed to transform a Nation.

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Indian-born Community may help create a cohesive multi-cultural and multi-faith society

Indian-born Community may help create a cohesive multi-cultural and multi-faith societyIn addressing the impact of Covid on International Students from India, Religions for Peace President Prof. Des Cahill said, “Indian born community and its leaders now have a greater responsibility for creating and continuing to create a cohesive multi-cultural and multi-faith society” at the Annual General Meeting of IndianCare on Sunday, 11 September 2022.

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Nostra Aetate: Interfaith – Understanding & Welcoming

Nostra Aetate: Interfaith – Understanding and WelcomingIn the spirit of Nostra Aetate, Garratt Publishing – in conjunction with Yarra Theological Union – invite you to a 4-week webinar series exploring other religious traditions from a Catholic perspective. The online webinar will be conducted on Monday Evenings – 5 & 12 September, 3 & 10 October. Religions examined will be Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam – all from a Catholic perspective.

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2022 Backhouse Lecture – Quakers Australia

Quakers Australia The Backhouse Lectures are public lectures on contemporary issues delivered annually at the national gathering of Quakers in Australia. They were initiated by Australia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) on its establishment in 1964. Friends from both Australia and overseas have presented lectures. The 2022 Backhouse Lecture, Working for Justice in a Warming World, will be presented by Yarrow Goodley on Monday 5 July at 7.15pm via Zoom.

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Faith leaders join forces to condemn alleged mosque attack in Victoria

Damage at mosquePoliticians, community and faith leaders from across Victoria have come together at a mosque east of Melbourne to show their support after the prayer hall was allegedly vandalised. Charges have been laid against eight suspects after the property was damaged last weekend.

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Victoria parliament passes bill banning Nazi swastika

Parliament House Melbourne

Victoria has become the first Australian jurisdiction to ban the swastika, with those who defy the ban to face jail terms and hefty fines.

It is now a crime to intentionally display the Nazi swastika in Victoria. Anyone who displays the symbol could face a year in jail.

An exemption is in place for religious groups who used the symbol before the Nazis.

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Victoria: Equal Opportunity (Religious Exceptions) Amendment Act (2021)

Parliament of VictoriaFrom 14 June 2022, (in Victoria) religious organisations and schools will no longer be able to sack or refuse to hire people based on protected attributes such as sexuality, gender identity or marital status. Religious organisations and schools will only be able to make employment decisions based on an employee’s religious beliefs where these are inherent to the job such as a religious studies teacher, and the discrimination is reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances.

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Victoria: 2022 Yom HaShoah Commemoration


The Jewish Community Council of Victoria will be hosting an inclusive virtual community commemoration for Yom Hashoah on Wednesday, April 27 at 7.30 pm. The event will be an online commemoration with poignant testimonies, the participation of a range of Jewish students, and messages of support from communal members, leaders, and affiliates.

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Climate Change Workshops

Victoria: Climate Change WorkshopsGembrook Retreat will conduct an ‘Active Hope in a time of climate crisis’ workshop in Gembrook on 9 April from 9AM to 6:30pm. For those who are overwhelmed or exhausted by the climate crisis, trying to take action and feeling the urgent need for our generation to change how we live! This workshop provides spiritual practices to help us support each other in maintaining an active hope. There will be a follow-up workshop on 14 May.

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