Canberra: Interfaith Forum

Canberra Interfaith

The National Multicultural Festival will take place in Canberra over the weekend of 8 – 10 February. Canberra Interfaith will conduct a day-long Interfaith Forum on 10 February.

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Categories ACT

The Modern Pilgrim


Eremos Centre will examine the question, “What is the meaning of pilgrimage in an age of mass tourism?” in a presentation in Paddington, NSW on Sunday March 3.

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Living Life based on Discernment

Silver Wattle Retreat Centre

There is one testimony from which all others spring forth: the testimony of living in and from the power of the Living Spirit, day-to-day, moment to moment. This is the theme of a discernment workshop at Silver Wattle Retreat Centre.

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Brisbane: Festival of Tibet

Tibetan Buddha

Brisbane’s fifth annual Festival of Tibet celebrates the Tibetan way of life, founded on the principles of compassion and non-violence, will take place in Brisbane Powerhouse from 30 January to 3 February 2013.

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World Interfaith Harmony Week 2013

World Interfaith Harmony Week

“Love of God and Love of the Neighbour or Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbour”

World Interfaith Harmony Week is a UN Observance which takes place during the first week of February each year. World Interfaith Harmony Week will commence on Friday, 1 February, 2013.

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