A week – long Buddhism for Quakers course will be conducted by Arthur Wells at Silver Wattle Retreat Center from Sunday 5 May
A week – long Buddhism for Quakers course will be conducted by Arthur Wells at Silver Wattle Retreat Center from Sunday 5 May
Buddhist meditation practices that develop calmness, insight and compassion, and ethical teachings that emphasise non-violence and identity with all suffering beings, fi t especially well with our Quaker values and aspirations.
Arthur Wells is a Zen Buddhist Roshi (senior teacher) and Quaker. Arthur taught English and Religious Studies, has worked as a social worker, counsellor, and has facilitated Stopping Violence programs since 1986. His active involvement in Quakerism and Buddhist meditation both support his work for nonviolence. He has led many Zen retreats in Aotearoa New Zealand, and three “Buddhism for Quakers” retreats.
What Quaker Universalism and Buddhist Mysticism
When Sunday 5 May – Saturday 11 May
Where Silver Wattle Retreat Center
Cost $695
Apply http://silverwattle.org.au
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