Eremos Centre will examine the question, “What is the meaning of pilgrimage in an age of mass tourism?” in a presentation in Paddington, NSW on Sunday March 3.
What is the meaning of pilgrimage in an age of mass tourism?
Secular pilgrims and people of many spiritual traditions are travelling the world to pay respect to people, gods and places of spiritual or cultural significance.
Join three modern pilgrims, authors: Rosamund Burton (Castles, Follies and Four-Leaf Clovers), Sharon Snir (The Little Book of Everday Miracles) and Walter Mason (Destination Saigon) as they discuss the growth in popularity of pilgrimage, its history and its meaning in our globalised world.
Sunday 3 March, 2013
Paddington RSL
220-232 Oxford St, Paddington
Entry: Members: $20, Non-members $15*, Conc: $5 less
Click here to register for this event.
What The Modern Pilgrim
When Sunday, 3 March, 3 – 5pm
Where Paddington RSL, 220-232 Oxford St, Paddington
Cost $355 single/ $295 shared
Apply Eremos