Curriculum Content for Special Religious Instruction

The Recent Victorian Education Department Ministerial Directive №41 requires the posting of curriculum materials for Special Religious Instruction in Victoria to the public domain so that parents may overview the curriculum content. Curriculum materials will be posted to Multifaith Education Australia, the new website for Special Religious Instruction (and multifaith education) in Australia. This website … Read more

New Zealand Diversity Forum

New Zealand Diversity Forum

Celebrating its 10th year, the annual New Zealand Diversity Forum continues to bring together communities, central and local government, the public sector, the voluntary sector, business, civil society and young people from around the country to promote harmonious race relations in Aotearoa.

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2014 Report, Western Australia

Religions for Peace Australia

Religions for Peace Australia is taking steps to assist with the formation of a branch in Western Australia and to auspice interfaith dialogue and public events in that state. Already, two such events have occurred, and the Chair of Religions for Peace Australia, Prof. Des Cahill, travelled to Perth to participate in the UN observance of the International Day of Peace on Sunday 22 September and to initiate the formation of RfP, Western Australia Branch.

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Royal Commission: Address to Care Leavers Australia Network

Royal Commissioner Justice McClelland

The head of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Justice Peter McClellan, disclosed in a speech on Saturday, 5 July 2014, to a victims’ group that he had personally written to the Vatican, seeking copies of all documents relating to complaints about abuse involving priests in Australia.

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