Queensland: Abrahamic Faiths Concert

Queenland forum for Christians Jews and Muslims

The annual Queensland Abrahamic Faiths Concert will be held on Thursday, 28th August 2014 at the Griffith University, Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue.

The Annual Evening of Jewish, Christian & Muslim Sacred Voices and Music, “One G-d, Many Voices” will be held on Thursday, 28th August 2014 at the Griffith University, Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue. There will be a Kosher-Halal Supper from 9.30pm.

Entry is free; Parking at the University Campus is free after 7PM.

What: One G-d, Many Voices, Annual Abrahamic Faiths Concernt

When: Thursday, 28th August 2014, 7.30pm

Where: Griffith University, Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue, Nathan Campus, Building N35
Location Map: www.griffith.edu.au/ofm/parking

Cost: Free

More information: RSVP: by 18th August 2014 to 3735 7052 or email: icd – at – griffith.edu.au

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