Tasmania – July/August 2021

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Greetings of peace! We hope that all of your families and friends here and overseas are well and safe as the world battles with COVID and all its variants.  We continue to hold everyone in our thoughts and prayers… especially at such a time people of faith hold on to the light of spiritual hope, knowing that compassion and lovingkindness can be a powerful means of helping one another through all these difficulties.

In August, we commemorate Hiroshima Day and Religions for Peace Tasmania will join the gathering to be held at 11-12noon on 7 August on Parliament House Lawns in Hobart.

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Tasmania – May 2021

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Greetings of Peace! Our gratitude continues for our great fortune in being (mostly) free from the ravages of the pandemic and our loving thoughts go to other countries in the world, especially India at the moment, where there is such suffering.

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Sacred People – Sacred Earth: climate action is crucial to economic prosperity

On March 11, all over the world – and in many places in Australia – people took action to proclaim our Earth is a Sacred Earth, and we must care for the Earth – as people of faith. If we fail to care for the Earth, then we fail ourselves, our community, our society, our nation, our Earth. To be people of faith in Ausrtralia is to be multifaith, and multifaith Australia cares for our Earth and proclaims: This is a Sacred Earth.

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Australia: Sacred People, Sacred Earth

Sacred People - Sacred EarthPeople of all faiths are speaking with one voice in Australia and joining in the International Day of Climate Justice with Greenfaith International. At 11:00 am in every state, people of faith will join in ringing of bells for the climate, prayer, meditation and peaceful messaging. This activity involves Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Quakers and many other people of faith.

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Queensland: Faith Communities Make Noise For Climate

Sacreed People - Sacred Earth Brisbane
More than one hundred Australian faith communities will ‘sound the alarm’ for the climate as part of a major global multi faith Day of Action on Thursday 11 March at 11am local time. Churches will ring bells, Rabbis will sound the shofar, Imams will call the Azan and other groups are holding silent vigils to draw attention to a series of demands of Prime Minister Scott Morrison for climate justice.

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Victoria, Tasmania: Living the Change

Join us to celebrate LIVING THE CHANGE on Sunday 6 December 2020 where we will be working together towards creating a flourishing world for all. We gather as members of diverse faith communities and those who care for our planet to share our stories of change, transformation, and regeneration. Living the Change is brought to you by Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, Religions for Peace Australia, Cultural Infusion and United Religions Initiative.

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Sacred People, Sacred Earth – TEDx kickoff

Greenfaith LogoOn 18 November, in six multi-faith TEDx events around the globe, people of faith and conscience at the grassroots are kicking off organizing for the biggest-ever faith-climate day of action – Sacred People, Sacred Earth.

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South Australia: International Day of Peace

Multifaith Association of South Australia LogoThe Multifaith Association of South Australia, in collaboration with Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, Living the Change, Pinnacle College and Multicultural Youth Education Support Services will celebrate International Day of Peace at Pinnacle College, Elizabeth East, on Saturday 19 September from 2:00pm

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Tasmania – July 2020

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of Peace! We hope everyone is moving through the winter with a level of wellness, warmth and well-being.

We know that, while we are doing well with respect to COVID-19 at the moment in Tasmania, people in other places are not so lucky and many of us will have connections with those in other places who are sick or anxious. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and with them.

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