Online Course on Interreligious Dialogue

KAICIID’s Dialogue Knowledge Hub (DKH) is pleased to offer the eight-week online course in interreligious dialogue for religious leaders, decision makers, Inter-religious dialogue practitioners and educators. Through a series of assignments, lectures and online forums, participants will learn the history of interreligious dialogue, methodologies, and tools for using dialogue to foster peace, mutual respect and social cohesion.

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World Interfaith Harmony Week Address: Religion and Human Rights in Australia

Former head of Australia’s Human Rights Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs, gave an address on Religious Freedom in celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 – at Melbourne University – on 5th of February 2019 to an audience of 400 interested persons.

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ACT: Chaplains to be banned in ACT public schools, those left forced to teach non-religious roles

Chaplains will be banned from Canberra’s public schools from the end of the year in a move that goes beyond federal Labor policy to allow a choice of religious or secular workers. The School Chaplaincy community has slammed the decision, saying it is “removing choice from parents”, and it is “ludicrous” to keep current chaplains on in non-secular roles.

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Religions for Peace Announces 2019 Awardees of Innovative Youth Prize

Religions for Peace is pleased to announce the recipients for the 2019 RfP Innovative Youth Prize. Interfaith youth groups from Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, and Indonesia have been awarded prizes up to $5,000 USD to creatively engage young leaders and strengthen collaboration among their diverse religious traditions to overcome violent religious extremism, welcome refugees and migrants, and protect the earth.

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Victoria: Molly Hadfield Social Justice Oration 2019

March the 8th is a global day of recognition and celebration of women’s social, political, cultural and economic achievements. It is also a day that invites reflection and action to combat gender-based discrimination and violence. The Molly Hadfield Social Justice Oration is a free annual oration delivered by a distinguished female guest speaker, Maxine Beneba Clarke.

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NSW: Religions for Peace NSW Branch meets

Another constructive and informative meeting of Religions for Peace took place at NSW Parliament House on February 11, 2019. Chaired in her inimitable style by Josie Lacey, historical retrospective by The Ven Gayatripani, discussion of research in to Interfaith dialogue. There was unanimous disgust at swastika graffiti in Sydney on the weekend. Many faiths, one group of friends.

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Victoria: Open Mosque Day Training

Islamic Council of Victoria’s annual state-wide Victorian Mosque Open Day team ran a training session for participating Mosques on Saturday, February 9 at the ICV to provide support for Mosques who will open their doors for the initiative on Sunday, March 17 this year, during Cultural Diversity Week.

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Victoria: ACU public lecture: Evolution, cooperation and the question of God

The Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry at Australian Catholic University is pleased to invite you to a public lecture to be given by IRCI Professorial Fellow Sarah Coakley. The topic is, Evolution, cooperation and the question of God -Is there a future for “natural theology”? . This will be held at 6pm on Monday the 18th of February at Christ Lecture Theatre, ACU Melbourne.

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Interfaith Rainforest Initiative

Welcome to the global faith-based movement to protect rainforests

We are focused on rainforests because they represent the very best of the planet’s beauty, supporting life and providing billions of people with food, shelter, livelihoods, medicine and clean water. They are also among the best climate solutions we have.

Tragically, tropical deforestation is rampant. This destruction is unnecessary and it is deeply undermining efforts by the international community to address climate change, sustainable development and human rights. We see the deforestation crisis as a moral and ethical concern of the highest order.

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