Canberra: Multifaith Prayer Support to COP28

Parliament House CanberraThere will be a show of public prayer support for the UN Conference COP28 on the lawns of Parliament House Canberra on Sunday 26 November and Monday 27 November 2023. The aim of public multi-faith prayer is to show the need for effective responses is a mainstream faith issue. As given in Laudate Deum, Pope Francis will attend COP28 for days 2 to 4.

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Faith leaders head to Canberra – calling for no new coal or gas and urgent action on the climate crisis

Faith Leaders at Parliament House addressing fossil fuel

Senior leaders from Christian, Muslim and Buddhist faiths will visit key Ministers and MPs in Canberra today to urge the Federal Labor Government to put an end to all new fossil fuel projects in Australia, and to listen to the voices of Pacific Island nations calling for Australia to phase out fossil fuels.

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Global Faith Leaders Summit – Interfaith Statement for COP28

Global Faith Leaders Summit - Interfaith Statement for COP28
In the spirit of unity, shared responsibility, and Human Fraternity, and at this pivotal moment of the global climate crisis that demands transformative action to keep 1.5 degrees within reach and serve affected and vulnerable communities, we, representatives of diverse faith and Indigenous traditions, through dialogue with scientists, religious scholars, academics, women’s organisations, youth, civil society, business leaders, and environmental policymakers, convened in Abu Dhabi in the lead-up to COP28 to express our shared concern for the escalating climate impacts that imperil our cherished planet, as well as our common commitment to jointly address this global crisis, building upon our previous efforts, including the interfaith appeal for COP26. Our faith instils in us a sacred duty to cherish not only our human family but also the fragile ecosystem that cradles us.

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Laudate Deum – Pope Francis renews his call to protect our common home

Laudate Deum – Pope Francis renews his call to protect our common homeOn the feast of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4), Pope Francis has released his new document on the Climate and Environment Laudate Deum, that completes his encyclical Laudato si’ published in May 2015, and is addressed “to all people of good will on the climate crisis.” The world is not moving fast enough to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change, Pope Francis wrote.

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Climate-Responsible Finance – a Moral Imperative towards Children

World Council of Churches Logo

A new study published in the journals “The Lancet” and “Child Abuse and Neglect” co-authored by the World Council of Churches (WCC) highlights the alarming impact of climate change on the health and wellbeing of children.

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NSW: Conference: Pilgrims with the Planet

Pilgrims with the Planet - coming to terms with the AnthropocenePilgrims with the Planet – coming to terms with the Anthropocene is hosted by United Theological College. The aim of this conference is to engage the discourse of the “Anthropocene” in order to explore what theology – broadly conceived – might add to what must be a multidisciplinary discussion. The conference – at North Parramatta, starts on Wednesday, 13 September at 1:00 pm and closes on Thursday, 14 September at 4:30 pm.

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Participants at the Emerging Peacemakers Forum send a message of hope to COP28

Emerging Peacemakers Forum  and COP28

52 young people from Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe are taking part in the Emerging Peacemakers Forum participating on the planting of the Olive trees at the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey, Switzerland sending a message of hope to COP28. Photo: Gloria Koymans/WCC
50 young people from 24 countries have sent a message of hope to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), which will be hosted by the United Arab Emirates at the end of 2023. The message was delivered during a special ceremony during the second edition of the Emerging Peacemakers Forum, held at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Switzerland.

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E tū te mana o Te Ao: Building a Climate of Hope

‘E Tū Te Mana O Te Ao – Building a Climate of Hope’

The Religious Diversity Centre Climate Action Group invites you to attend a special webinar series that we have the pleasure of organising. It is called‘E Tū Te Mana O Te Ao – Building a Climate of Hope’.

The 4-part series features inspiring speakers, including: Dr Jane Goodall DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace,Rabbi Dean Shapiro , Progressive Jewish Community of Auckland, mentor for Blessed Tomorrow’s Climate Ambassador Training,Mary Moeono-Kolio , Climate Activist, Pacific Climate Warriors, and theRt Hon Helen Clark, Former PM of NZ, Former Administrator to the UN Development Programme.

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