Joint Interfaith Statement ~ Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons - UNA Joint Interfaith Statement – signed by 115 faith bodies and organisations – has been provided addressing the issues of nuclear weapons, their economic and planetary life impact on all, and the works taken up by people of faith. We know that there is no true safety, security and peace for any of us until there is safety, security and peace for all of us.

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Federal government moves to ban Nazi salute after spike in anti-Semitism, racism

Nazi symbol banned in NSW

The federal government has announced a plan to make it a criminal offence to perform the Nazi salute in Australia.

Meanwhile, hundreds of prominent Australians have signed a letter denouncing anti-Semitism and racism.

Jewish and Islamic groups say there has been a huge rise in anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

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Statement by Religions for Peace Australia: Ending the Conflict in Israel and Palestine

Religions for Peace Australia logo

Religions for Peace Australia is Australia’s largest interfaith organization with a presence in every state and territory. In light of the recent tragic events in Palestine and Israel beginning on October 7th. 2023, Religions for Peace Australia is deeply concerned with the suffering and loss of life on all sides. We call upon multi-faith communities across the world to lead by example, fostering unity and understanding.

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Meditation & Prayers for Peace & Hope in the Middle East, Australia & Beyond

Meditation and Prayers for Peace and Hope - in Australia and Beyond

Religions for Peace Australia and United Religious Initiative invites all to Meditation and Prayers for Peace and Hope in the Middle East, Australia and Beyond on Zoom, on Sunday, 22 October 2023 at 6:30pm AEDT.

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Securing Faith-Based Places

Securing Faith Based PlacesThe Securing Faith-Based Places grant program provides $40 million over three years to improve security at religious schools, pre-schools, places of worship, and faith-based community centres. The objective of the grant opportunity is to address the risk of crime and violence motivated by religious or racial intolerance through the installation or upgrade of security infrastructure and/or the engagement of security guards at those sites.

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PRAYERS and MEDITATIONS on Hiroshima Day

Hiroshima Day Prayers and Meditatons

Religions for Peace Asia in collaboration with Religions for Peace Australia invites all people of faith to join in prayers and meditations for the anniversary of Hiroshima Day. Participants and prayer leaders will come from Korea, Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia. This will be a Zoom event on Sunday 6th August 2023. Times are given below.

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Support for Constitutional Recognition

YES, supporting VOICE
In 2020, Religions for Peace Australia amended its Constitution to include support appropriate recognition of the spiritualities of the First Peoples of Australia. In this wise, Religions for Peace Australia wrote to the Prime Minister in August 2020 calling for a Voice to Parliament, a Makarrata Treaty and a Truth Telling Commission. On this page, we provide our reasons for support of the Constitutional Recognition Referendum.

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Archbishop Makarios of Australia Addresses Drug Abuse

Archbishop Makarios of Australia Addresses Drug Abuse

SYDNEY – June 26 has been designated by the United Nations as a day for informing and raising awareness about drugs, a major scourge of modern society. Archbishop Makarios of Australia devoted a homily to this serious topic. The Archbishop said:

“Data published by the international organization regarding the spread and consequences of the trend overwhelms people’s hearts with feelings of profound pain.

“Every day, more than 1,350 of our fellow human beings pass away from drug abuse.

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The importance of allyship in responding to targeted violence and discrimination

Nicole AsquithAt the Annual General Meeting of Religions for Peace Australia (18 June 2023), Professor Nicole Asquith of the University of Tasmania gave one talk on the importance of allyship in responding to targeted violence and discrimination. This talk gave an overview about targeted violence in Australia, and then focus on the importance of allyship in responding to hate, prejudice and violence.

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Australia’s Ambassador to Holy See: Women diplomats in Vatican a ‘formidable group’

Vatican NewsMarking the annual International Day of Women in Diplomacy, Chiara Porro, Australian Ambassador to the Holy See, speaks of the challenges and rewards of the job and of the crucial perspective women bring to international relations.

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