Victoria: The Sarajevo Haggadah

 Image: Sarajevo Haggadah, courtesy of National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina.The Sarajevo Haggadah reflects partly on a time of peace between Jews, Muslims and Christians in Bosnia for 500 years. The Jewish Museum of Australia will present musical ensemble SARAY Iluminado, along with lecture, exhibition, projection and music to illuminate the history of the world’s most celebrated Pesach text on Sunday, March 22nd.

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Victoria: New Year Meditation Festival 2020

Tibetan Buddhist Temple, Yuroke, VictoriaThe Tibetan Buddhist Society will present one New Year Meditation Festival 2020 at the Yuroke Temple (north of Melbourne) on the weekend of 29 Feb – 1 March, 2020. This 2020 New Year Meditation Festival combines a wonderful celebration of Tibetan New Year, centred around the magnificent, traditional Tibetan temple and 10 acres of beautiful and colourful gardens, with a focus on meditation.

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Victoria: 21st Century Peace and Harmony: An Interfaith Journey

Victoria: 21st Century Peace and Harmony: An Interfaith JourneyJoin Dr. Dino Patti Djalal and Rabbi Avraham Bart for a lecture on the 1000 Abrahamic Circles Project (1000AC), an independent and grassroots interfaith peace effort. They will explore how 1000AC brings together faith leaders from different countries to build understanding and mutual respect at Asialink, The University of Melbourne, on Tuesday 25 February 2020.

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Multifaith Gathering at Parliament House for those impacted by bushfires

Multifaith Gathering at Parliament House for those impacted by bushfiresThe Victorian Multicultural Commission, in conjunction with the Faith Communities Council of Victoria, hosted  a multifaith event at the steps of parliament to support the parliament in their efforts to lead the state, support the recovery efforts and show support for the bushfire victims and firefighters.

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Symbols of hate cause very real harm to Victoria’s Jewish community

JewDistressing news reports emerged earlier this week about a Nazi flag flying above a house in regional Victoria. The symbols on that flag are more than just lines and colours – they represent hate and trauma for so many people around the world, including the members of Victoria’s Jewish community.

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2020 World Interfaith Harmony Week Lecture

University of Melbourne Chaplaincy and Religions for Peace Australia – Victoria Branch, invite you to attend a you to a FREE lecture on Tuesday 4th February 2020 on ‘Pope Francis: His Interfaith and Environmental Perspectives’.

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Victoria: Christmas and Islam

Islamic Museum of Australia logoAs people rush for last-minute Christmas gifts in shopping venues across Australia in a seasonal expenditure expected to reach billions of dollars, Muslims in Australia have mixed feelings about the festive season. You can visit the Islamic Museum of Australia and join in the conversation about Muslims and Christmas on 12 December at 12pm… this talk is for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

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